Chapter 6

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"Interview today!" Louis was all dressed up in a t-shirt and jeans.

"Huh?" Let's just say I'm always confused in the morning.

"Get up. You're going to the interview." Louis snapped.

"No." I mumbled.

"Maddy and Jenny are going. Harry's not happy about it but they're going." Louis said. My head perked up at the sound of Maddy and Jenny's names.

"What are we waiting for?" I asked. "What about Rose?"

"She can come with," Louis said. "One more thing Kayla." And then he looked down. Oh crap.

"What?" I asked.

"Violet had all your boxes packed. They're in the living room." Louis said.

"She really kicked me out didn't she?"

Louis nodded. I really though Violet was a true friend. Throughout high school my only friend was Louis. Of course he had friends but they all hated me for some reason.

"Oh well." I shrugged. "I'm going to change so shoo!" I shooed him out of the guest bed room, also known as the soon to be my room bedroom.

"Okay okay! I'm leaving." Louis laughed raising both hands up into the air as I shoved him out the door, closed it, then locked it. I changed into a casual pastel pink dress and white ballet flats. I have this strange obsession with dresses, skirts, and makeup. I was a girly girl. I am a girly girl. I curled my hair and then played with the pink ends. Agh! They were just so pretty. I didn't think I was pretty but the pink was pretty. And I have to dress up. Even though I'm not going to be in the interview, I don't want to look bad in public with One Direction. I applied my makeup with extra mascara and headed to the kitchen.

"Kayla, I forgot to ask. What happened to your parents?" Louis asked.

"Hi Kayla!" Harry jumped up and down.

"Random much?" I snapped at Louis.

"Can we take this into my room?" Louis asked.

"No." Harry interrupted. "I'll leave."

Louis gave a nod of thanks to Harry and then looked back at me. "Spill."

"Why do you want to know so bad?" I asked.

"Because. Just because now tell me, your best friend." Louis smirked.

"My parents kicked me out when they found out I was pregnant." I sighed.

"Where are they now?" Louis asked.

"I have no idea."

"Okay. Enough drama. Let's just go to the interview and forget this little discussion." Louis said, "HARRY!"

"Boo?" Harry came scrambling out of Louis's bedroom.

"We're leaving." Louis snapped. Why did he seem so mad all of a sudden? Louis could be so confusing sometimes. Like once, he was giving me a hug and the next, he was trying to tackle me.


"That was the longest drive ever!" Harry huffed. Louis had driven the speed of a turtle.

"Better safe than sorry." Louis pointed out.

Then, I spotted Maddy, Jenny, and the other boys. Harry and Louis did too because they ran over to the, while I was still behind walking with Rose in my arms.

"Mummy? What are we doing here?" Rose looked up at me.

"Well those big boys over there, are our friends. We're living with them." I told Rose.

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