Chapter 16

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"Come on Kayla." Maddy pleaded, "A Starbucks will help cool things off." We had just woken up and got dressed and it was one of those crappy Mondays.

"No Maddy," I snapped, "All I want to do is go back to my bed and sleep."

"How do I put up with you," Maddy shook her head. "I swear if you weren't Louis's"

"Louis's what?" I cut her off. Today just wasn't my day. It's been three days since Louis ran off, and I've been too scared to go back to his flat, and every time the boys go to his flat, he isn't around. "We're you going to say friend?"


"What were you going to see huh? Now if you excuse me I am tired and I just want to go sleep."

"Once again, how do I put up with you."

"What do you mean by that?" I crossed my arms,"How do I put up with you?" I mimicked her. "I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm your friend. Maybe because I'm nice."

"You know what? How about you go sleep on my bed and I will go buy us drinks from Starbucks." Maddy finally decided on that.

"Whatever,". I muttered before stomping into Maddy's room and slamming the door.


Kayla has been acting really strange these past days. She's been overreacting to every little thing. Like yesterday, when I asked her if she wanted to go over to her mum's to pick up Rose. She went off about how I shouldn't boss her around and some other shit.

Personally, I think it's because of Louis. He has been gone for a while, and we have no idea where he is. Even their fans aren't sure. There have been rumors saying that he's been raped and other things way off. Kayla always said she didn't care about Louis, but you could tell in her eyes that she did. A lot. You could see it when her eyes shined when he hugged her, and when they kissed, no, not for the dare, but the real thing. But look at them now. Louis has been missing and Kayla has been snappy

I got a few stares when I entered Starbucks but that was usual I guess.

"Hello, my name is Michelle what would you like to order?" She spoke in a monotone voice.

"Yes. I will have a tall Pumpkin Spice Latte and a grande Vanilla Bean Frap."

"Ok your total is 10£." I gladly handed her the change and told her to keep the change.

"What's your name?" Michelle asked as she pulled out two cups and a sharpie.


"Last name? Sorry we just had another customer with the same name."


"That's funny." She chuckled to herself still not bothering to look up, "Niall Horan, from One Direction, you know, is dating a girl with that exact name. I love her so much."

"That is so coincidental." I rolled my eyes. My voice was dripping with sarcasm. I pulled out and took a Starbucks napkin and signed:

From Maddy Nicole to Michelle

It's important to look up

Xoxo Maddy Nicole.

"Thank you have a nice day." She said.

"You too," I smiled before handing her the napkin. She looked puzzled for a second, but when she read it her jaw dropped to the floor. I chuckled slightly before picking up the Pumpkin Spice Latte and the Vanilla Bean Frap and walked out the door.

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