Chapter 11

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"Mate, you asked her out?" Niall asked. I was currently at Maddy's originally going to pick Rose up, but we ended up having popcorn and coke. Kayla was still sleeping back at our flat. I had to literally carry her from the car into the flat. It wasn't a big problem considering she weighed a feather.

I slowly nodded.

"That's great!" Niall exclaimed.

Maddy shifted uncomfortably, "Is it for uh um management?"

I nodded again. Their faces fell almost immediately.

"What's management?" Rose asked. I just shushed her nicely.

"That's not a good idea," Maddy started, "I know I haven't known Kayla as long as you have Louis, and you may not listen to this even though you should, but you shouldn't be doing this for management. You want to know why?" Maddy started again before I could reply, "Because she seems like a person that would want someone to fall in love with them not because they have to, but because they want to."

"I do want to!" I argued.

"Okay then, if management didn't make you date Kayla, would you?" Maddy asked, "Hm?" The truth? I have no idea. I mean I like her. No, I love her, but it doesn't feel like three years ago.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"Let's say you do care, I dare you to call management at tell them you want to date Kayla for real, not for management." Maddy said. Should I? I have no idea, but somehow, my hand reached into my pocket, pulled my phone out, and dialed management.

"Hello?" A voice ran through the phone.

"Yes. This is Louis Tomlinson."

"What'd ya want?" A voice asked.

"Uh you know how I'm dating Kayla Wells for management? Well can I date her not for management?"

"Um yeah sure." The lady from the other line said.

"Thanks." I then hung up.

"Good job." Niall patted me on the back.

"That was close. You were right Maddy. If she found out it was for management, she would kick my arse."

"Told you so." Maddy smiled. "You're welcome."

"Daddy?" Rose asked.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH WHAT?" Niall screamed in shock. I though Kayla had explained but apparently not very thoroughly.

"Yeah," I huffed.

"Excuse me, you scared me." Rose looked up at Niall.

"Sorry princess." Niall apologized.

"My name isn't princess," Rose giggled, "It's Rose!"

"Sorry Rose," Niall apologized again before turning to me, "She's just like you. Plus, she looks like you."

"Thanks." I sighed.

"Daddy!" Rose whined, "I wanna go home!"

I just nodded and stroked her hair. "Well, baby Rose here wants to leave so bye?"

"Bye!" Maddy and Niall waved. "You've got to invite Rose over again! She's so sweet!"

I just laughed before leaving.


I opened my eyes quickly only to close it back tightly this time opening them carefully to adjust the light. The last thing I remembered was falling asleep in Louis's car. I slowly got up, shivering at the touch of the cold ground.

"Babe, I'm home!" Louis called.

"Ugh," I groaned as I plopped back onto the bed. A few seconds later, I felt a strong grasp around my stomach.

"Get up Kayla," Louis huffed.

"Okay okay I'm up!" I steadied myself only to fall onto the bed again.

"Are you okay?" Louis asked.

"Mummy?" Rose asked.

"Go wait in the living room," Louis rushed her out of the bedroom. "Are you sure you're okay? You look a little pale."

"I'm fine," I reassured him with a slight smile. But I was not. I don't know what was wrong but something definitely was.

"Not you're not. You look like you have sex hair!" Louis laughed.

That comment caught me off-guard. Sex hair? Pshhh what no?

Did he find out?

Oh crap.


A/N: I'm really sorry this is a very very very shot chapter. Ooh. Kayla has another secret. What could it be? Well anyways, there was this girl today and she told me she had a boyfriend so I told this other girl and the girl with the boyfriend (the one who stole my name) got so pissed. I don't know what her problem is but I don't like all. I swear if you guys met her you would hate her! I promise. Anyways, sorry I've had writer's block. Yeah um...that's sad. So yep. I'm going to make this a shot author's note.

Ashley Diana Payne

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