Chapter 9

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Zayn had originally planned to go clubbing, but after a long hard speech and debate session with him, we finally won. He had pointed out that we needed to lose our virginity, which made us die of laughter, and grossness. We pointed out that some of us didnt want to bang anyone, which he finally gave into. THANK THE LORD! We were now all sitting in Maddy's flat. Ashley was to my left with Liam right by her side, while Louis was to my right. Maddy was cuddling on another sofa with Niall. The other boys were in a separate room doing whatever. And what were we doing? Absolutely nothing. Just having a random conversation about whatever. It's strange to think that they're famous, but that act like normal people. They fall in love. No one makes them. Or at least Louis and I. No one makes them do anything. Well, kind of. These boys would rather stay in and watch a movie rather than go clubbing and get drunk. Except Zayn.

"Kayla?" Louis asked breaking my little train of thought.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Did you hear anything I said?" I shook my head. "I was talking about how Ashley, when she was nine, she used to call this video game called bl-"

"SHUT UP!" Ashley screamed like she was being tortured.

"No can do missy." Louis smirked. "Liam, be a darling and continue."

"Don't call me a darling Louis, and I would love to continue." Ashley was punching Liam's arms screaming for him to stop, but Liam didn't. "When Ashley was nine, she used to call this video game called Blackopps or something like that black cops."

I was dying of laughter. "You're kidding right Liam?" I said between breaths.

"Shut up. " Ashley turned as red as a tomato.

I calmed down after laughing at that embarrassing but hilarious story of Ashley. I felt Louis's hand wrap around me waist. I tensed for a moment before I relaxed knowing it was just him. I always hated when people touched me without telling me. But for Louis, it was okay. Just because he was my boyfriend. Yeah.

"Let's do something." Louis said. He was never a person to sit around and do nothing. "Ooh! Let's play pranks on the others!"

I remembered the prank wars Louis and I used to have. It only lasted a month, but it was fun nonetheless. He called himself "The King Of Pranks." I had to admit, it was true though. His pranks weren't the typical classic ones. He had all sorts of creative ones too. Louis seemed to be thinking of the same thing. I could tell since he was staring at me all wide eyed.

"Sure." All of us agreed.

"Okay," Louis motioned for us to lean in. "Kayla,Maddy, and Ashley, you go in and tell them to come outside. Because you're never good at pranks," he smirked. "Niall, Liam, and I will then sneak into the bedroom through the window with um" he scanned the room for something. "God dammit." He muttered.

"So we aren't pranking?" Ashley asked in almost an happy tone.

"No. I need something scary." Louis sighed.

"Thank the bloody lord!" Maddy and Ashley both breathed a sigh of relief.

"You don't like pranks?" I asked. They shook their head. "Oh."

"So what are we going to do now?" Liam asked.

"I have no idea," Niall answered pulling Maddy closer to his chest. Then, I heard cries from the bedroom. Without thinking, I ran to the room. I have this instinct to that. After all, I am a mother. A responsible one.

"What is going on here?" I asked. Rose was sitting on her bum crying her eyes out.

"Mummy! I woke up and these boys were just sitting here." Wow, really Rose? Really? Rose had Louis's personality and my looks. Which wasn't good because I look awful all the time, and Louis could have an attitude sometimes. I would hate the guy that would have to put up with her.

"So what were you and Zayn doing?" I asked as I picked up Rose and held her in my arms.

"Just talking." They shrugged. I nodded before returning to the living room with Rose.

"KAYLA!" Louis shrieked. "WE ARE LEAVING! I'M TIRED!"

"What? Already? It's only- OMIGOD! It's midnight already?" Time flies by.

"Yes Kayla! We. Are. Leaving." Louis repeated.

"Fine." I said. "Rude much?"

"No, you know how I get when I'm tired." Louis snapped. It was true though. He would always get all snappy and act like a teenage girl going through her "time of the month".

"Yeah I know Louis."

"So let's go."

"Okay okay geez." I got goodbye hugs from everyone before leaving. Louis just stood by the door complaining about how long I was taking.


Rose was sitting in my room trying to read a book, but only speaking gibberish. It was three in the morning and I still wasn't asleep. Rose wasn't either. Probably because she slept the whole day.

"Mummy? Can you read the book?" Rose handed me the book.

"Sure." I opened the book and started reading. "There once was a boy named Jimmy. He had a magical pink marker. And everything he drew happened to him. He drew a dog and got a dog. He drew a cat and got a cat. But one day, he lost the crayon. He used his dog to sniff around the place to find the crayon and he found it. The end." And then it hit me. This story was like a relationship. He had no parents or friends. It was only him. He drew his own life. But once you're in a relationship, if you still draw your life, the other one has no choice but to follow. But once you love someone enough, you won't need the marker. That pink marker would be useless.

"Mummy?" Rose tapped me.


"Are you okay?" I didn't even realize that I was shaking like a maniac.

"Fine." I took a few deep breaths.

"I'm going to sleep." Rose said before passing out on the bed. What was I going to do now?

"Kayla?" I heard the sound of Louis's voice.

"Huh?" I turned around to see Louis with his hair all messed up only in his boxers.

"Why are you still awake?" He asked. I shrugged. "I don't know why I'm still awake either," he admitted. "I heard you talking so I came over."

"Oh I'm sorry!" I quickly apologized. "I know you were tired and all it's just that Rose was awake and then she wanted me to read her a st-"

"It's okay. Easy there Kayla." He laughed quietly.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"Try to sleep?" He replied as if it was obvious.

"Haha duh." I rolled my eyes.

"Goodnight Kayla." Louis said before heading back to his room.

"Night." I whispered before plopping down back on the bed. I laid on my back with my eyes wide open staring at the ceiling for hours. I could hear Rose's slow breathing right by my side. I didn't even notice that I had been staring at the same spot for four hours and hours and hours. Somewhere in my little staring session, I don't know how, but my eyes snapped shut, and I fell into this peaceful dreamless sleep.


A/N: Sorrrrry I had writers block and this is a sucky filler chapter. Once again I am so sorry. UGHHHH I feel so baddd. This is crazy. I brought cupcakes to school on Friday :) VOTE VOTE VOTE. I'm going to make this short and sweet.

I love y'all (I sound Country)

Ashley Diana Payne

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