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As soon as I opened the door, the sunlight hit my eyes. Hard. It was certainly a lot brighter than it was coming through the windows inside the house. It didn't help my headache one bit, either. I waited a couple of minutes so that my eyes could adjust before I started walking. Also, I wanted to see if my headache was going to get worse or not from the light.

Once I was able to stand the pounding in my head, I began to walk forward, out of the driveway. A wave of Nausea hit me as I walked in the gravel. The last time I saw him was on a day like this, walking from my driveway on the same gravel. I clenched my fists as I quickened my pace, trying to escape from the feeling that was creeping up on me. For a moment, I thought the driveway would never end. I was struck with the urge to turn and run back into my house, but seconds later the crunch of gravel left my feet and I hit hard pavement.

Though it wasn't much, relief did wash over me just a bit. That feeling had managed to crawl up my body a little, and it clung there, but I did my best to ignore it and continued with my walk. As my feet continued their rhythmic patter down the sidewalk, I shoved my hands in my pockets and looked around.

Everything was actually pretty green and lively. I thought that it would be unbearably hot and humid out, like a lot of this town's summer was relatively cool though. Once in a while we would get nice waves of fairly good weather. It was a nice break from the heat. I was lucky to have stepped outside during one of those waves. I hadn't been out for a long time actually...

I finished the last few months of the school year, and then locked myself in my house all summer. My poor Mom had to send all of my friends away every time they came to the door. I didn't talk to anyone, and I was pretty sure they had given up. I tried to keep talking to them through messaging and emails but...I lost the motivation to respond to those anymore too. I doubted any of my old friends were going to let me back into their group after ditching them during the rest of the school year, then shutting them out all summer as well.

I guess I would deserve it, after all. The problem is...even if they were okay with hanging out with me still, I probably wouldn't be as sociable as I was before. They were pretty loud people, so being reserved probably would just get me pushed out anyways. There really was no point in trying to get back together with them. I'd get tired from listening to them easily, most likely, too. I'd save myself some work by just letting it go.

I looked to see if any cars were coming before trotting across the crosswalk to the next sidewalk. This one would lead to the park, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to go there or just keep walking. I'd never gone to a park with Kida before, so it would probably be safe to go there.

The thought of his name caused that feeling to stab me in the chest. I didn't allow any tears to come to my eyes as I bit my lip and turned my focus on the direction I was going. I would just go to the park and-

"Nowaki!" My name was suddenly called out by a female voice. My confusion ceased when I saw Elisa standing across the street. With her, was Aiden and Cheyenne. There was a fourth person, but I didn't know him, so I didn't look at him long. I stopped and watched as they looked for cars and then ran across the road, despite the fact that there was a crosswalk ten feet away.

When they reached me, I was greeted with smiles from the three of them. Aiden gave me a friendly punch in the arm and said, "Where have you been for the whole summer, Nowaki?"

"We tried calling you and stuff." Elisa added. I recalled the many, many missed phone calls from them, but I lied anyways, I purposely didn't pick up, but I couldn't tell them that. It would make them feel bad, and I didn't want that.

"I'm sorry. I lost my phone for a while...It's at home charging right now." I was thankful I hadn't brought it with me, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to say that. I didn't know how else I would be able to convince them otherwise. They nodded, but continued to question me anyways, determined to get answers they wanted. It seemed ridiculous, considering the fact that they knew what happened to Kida...they should have guessed easily why I locked myself away from everything.

A Moment Too Soon (Yaoi boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now