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Nowaki had missed school for the past week, including today, and his friends hadn't heard anything from him over the weekend despite sending him emails and texts. They were starting to become terribly worried. They said that before school ended last year that he would miss days all the time, but usually not consecutively like this. I had to admit that I was worried as well, especially after listening in on their conversation.

"Elisa...I'm starting to get nervous about Nowaki..." She looked like she was going to fall apart. "He's never missed this many days in a row..."

"Oh, come on Chey...Nowaki is a tough guy. He's fine. Maybe he just caught the flu or something."

"In summer?" Jacob cocked an eyebrow, and Aiden gave him a look that told him to be quiet. He was only trying to make Cheyenne feel better, and Jacob was making it difficult.

"Still...Elisa said she tried to text him, but he didn't answer."

"He hasn't been answering his phone all summer though, so don't take that as a sign of anything." Aiden attempted to comfort her again, and Jacob stayed quiet. Unfortunately, their words didn't give her any peace. Instead, tears began to well in her eyes.

"You guys don't think...that maybe he..." She couldn't finish her sentence, but Elisa caught on quickly and whipped around to face her. She was wide-eyed and shocked her suggestion.

"No!" She exclaimed. "That's ridiculous. Nowaki would never do that, Cheyenne. You know that!" Elisa was speaking like she meant every word, but her face displayed nothing but more worry, like she thought that might actually be a possibility. The others looked doubtful as well, and Cheyenne started to let her tears fall.

"Don't cry. We don't know anything yet, alright? He's probably fine...just...it's okay." She gave Cheyenne a hug, and the others each gave her a pat. I watched them sadly...I hoped he was alright. If something actually did happen to him, they'd be absolutely devastated. When we reached the crosswalk, each of the others went separate ways to go home. Elisa and I stuck together, though, since we were heading for the same house. While we walked, I kept thinking back to Cheyenne's fear.

Why hadn't any of them tried going to his house if they were so worried? How long were they going to wait to see what was going on? On impulse, I looked up at Elisa and I asked, "Where does Nowaki live?" At first, she gave me a look that I couldn't understand...worry, or pleading, maybe? It took her a long moment, but she told me how to find his house. When we got near our house, she stopped at the turn.

"...do you want me to come?" She asked. I felt like it was a stupid question. I wouldn't know the answer, but I did know that the only reason she wasn't jumping right in was because she was afraid. Annoyed, I shrugged and kept walking.

"If you want." I said. She ended up not taking my blunt offer, and I walked the rest of the way by myself. I realized about 5 minutes down the road that I probably hadn't made the smartest decision. First of all, if there was bad news, I would have to be the one to deliver it to everyone. Second, if he was fine, I wasn't exactly the right person to come knocking on his door...after all, I didn't know him very well, and he didn't know me. 

It should have been his friends coming to his doorstep asking for him. I didn't understand what it was that was driving me to do this, but I couldn't seem to stop myself from continuing down the street to his house. It wasn't that I feared the worst and had to see for myself...it was more like I didn't understand why he was going through everything by himself, and I couldn't stand that thought.

I also didn't understand why his friends couldn't see that he needed someone to be there, but not to bother him. He didn't want to be alone...but he didn't want to feel surrounded. What made it so difficult was that a single person could probably make him feel that way. He just needed someone who could respect his boundaries and knew when and when not to speak. I found it hard to believe that I knew more than his friends did, and they'd known him for much longer than me.

When his house came into view, I suddenly started to feel a little anxious. It got even worse when I stepped in front of his door. What if coming here wasn't what he needed? What if I only made him feel worse...my predictions may have been wrong, after all. I felt a total lack of confidence...yet, I still raised my hand the door and knocked. I hoped that I wasn't making a wrong choice...

A Moment Too Soon (Yaoi boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now