Chapter 25

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Andrea stands on the back of the toilet, bracing herself on the walls of the tiny stall. The door is locked, but it is no match for Dani. After struggling with it for a millisecond, Dani gets on her knees and takes the obvious, albeit disgusting, route into the stall. She hisses up at her victim, baring her teeth like a wild animal.
    “Wait!” Andrea screams. “Remember Beccan? I was on your side! We fought it together! I saved your life, Dani. Are you really going to kill me for that?”
    Dani pouts and crosses her arms. “I HAVE TO WIN THIS THING!” she yells. “THIS IS THE KAIROS GAMES! WE DON’T TAKE SIDES!” With that, she jumps onto the toilet seat and reaches for Andrea.
    Unfortunately, it seems someone has taped plastic wrap over the seat. Whoever thought that was a good idea in a girls restroom was an idiot, but it works for the plot of the story so we’re just going to go with it. In her haste to ascend the porcelain throne, Dani slips on the invisible lining. She catches the hem of Andreas shirt as she falls, causing Andrea’s foot to slip and flush the toilet. Dani hits her head first on the seat, then flops over and hits the ground. Andrea’s left foot falls into the swirling water. The suction throws off her balance and causes her to fall forward. The impact of her head on the ground is minimal compared to the crack as the bones of her leg are twisted out of joint. She screams in pain.
    The wounds in Dani’s head produce a burgundy flow that runs like the Nile into the drain. Andrea painfully yanks her leg from the loo and slides back under the door. “Dani?” she mumbles nervously. Dani is silent. Andrea waits a moment before continuing her crawl. Her pants are covered in blood and water. She shimmies all the way to the door of the bathroom before she collapses. She glances up at the handle, three feet above her. “Now how am I supposed to reach that?” She closes her eyes and grits her teeth as another wave of pain shoots through her leg.
    A few seconds later, Andrea jumps. (Like the surprised kind, not the hopping kind, ’cause her leg is all messed up).
    The cannon has always been loud, yes, but never before has such a sense of hopelessness accompanied it. Dani is dead. Andrea is alone, and her leg is broken. There is no way out.

    Kenton steps inside the School of Religion. He wanders around, cautiously, holding his bow and an arrow in front of him. He ascends the stairs, slowly, and can’t help but notice the startling effects of the light from the windows. It almost feels like ascending into Heaven. He wonders for a moment what the rapture would feel like. Would it feel like flying? Or would it happen in an instant, without even leaving time to recognize the miracle of it? The stairs split in the middle, so he follows them to the right. Once at the top, he settles himself behind the rail and sits, watching the door. For a moment, the silence is almost peaceful.
    Of course, that peace was never meant to last.
    “Kenton, Kenton, Kenton,” says Aaron. He clucks his tongue. Kenton spins around immediately, aiming the bow at Aaron’s head, but lowers it when he realizes there is no hope. In one hand, Aaron is pointing the gun at Kenton’s chest. In the other, he is holding an iPhone. He presses play, and Kenton watches the last moments of his sister’s life, played out before him in tiny HD. He keeps his pain hidden, but Aaron is no fool. “Aww, is baby Kenton going to cry? Does he miss his big sissy?”
    “I’m two minutes older!” Kenton spits out. He grips the arrow tightly in his hand, ready to plunge it through that sick monster’s heart with his dying breath.
    Aaron slides the phone into his back pocket and pats Kenton on the head. He whispers in his ear, “That’s what they want you to think,” and pulls the trigger. Kenton launches the arrow like a spear, but Aaron dodges out of the way. The monster shakes his head and backs away. “I must say, I’m disappointed in you, Kenton. To think, you were the one everyone expected to be the ‘big tough guy,’ and I killed you. Me! Who could’ve seen that coming?” He laughs to himself and descends the stairs.
    Before Aaron reaches the door, Kenton cries out, “You’ll die for this! You’re a murderer! You can’t just murder people in the School of Religion and get away with it!”
    “HA!” Aaron cries. “You think God is going to smite me for this? Well I’ve got news for you, Kenton. God’s not going to stop me this time. He left this university a long time ago.” He holds the door and waits. BOOM! Aaron walks outside, picks up his guitar, and continues to sing.


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