Chapter 28

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The whispers about what happened in the games have been traveling around for weeks. The footage was so distorted by the effect of the bobblehead that it was almost impossible to make out, and yet, so many of the viewers swear they saw it.

    It was as if the light of God had engulfed the church. Someone was caught in it, and someone was thrown by it, but as it spread, it tore apart the building. When they went in to find the tributes, it was a pile of rubble. They searched for days, but the bobblehead itself was never found.

    They found the bodies, though. That wasn’t too hard. They found her lying on Ocoee Street, hands folded over her chest, quietly slipping away. Eye-witnesses say it was like watching a baby fall asleep… Peaceful. Serene. But when they went to check her pulse, she was gone.

    The boy was another story. They found him on the roof of the PCSU, sitting with his legs crossed, eyes closed, humming something that sounded like a popular worship song. They pulled him out of the rubble and brought him back to his home, but he never did look the same after that. They say he went blind from the weeks without vitamins. Nowadays, he sits in his prayer closet, eating only what is set in front of him, always thinking back on those days. Paige’s last words were drowned out by the explosion. No one knows what she said, except for him. But he won’t share. He says her secrets were meant to stay in the games. They would not be understood by an outsider.

    And the outsiders… Well.

    We get that.

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