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chrisevans: Finally reunited with my bestfriend 💕 thecarter_martinez

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chrisevans: Finally reunited with my bestfriend 💕 thecarter_martinez

thecarter_martinez: ew

chrisevans: ?

thecarter_martinez: that heart at the end

chrisevans: I thought it was cute

iamsebastianstan: I thought I was your bestfriend #stucky

thecarter_martinez: gotta blast

iamsebastianstan: #friendless

thecarter_martinez: I'll be your friend iamsebastianstan

iamsebastianstan: sweeet

anthonymackie: how bout me? thecarter_martinez

thecarter_martinez: si anthonymackie

chrisevans: hi bestfriend iamsebastianstan

iamsebastianstan: too late

iamsebastianstan: I have a new bestfriend thecarter_martinez

thecartermartinez: sweeet

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