Chris Evan's cousin, Carter Martinez, stops to visit him on set of Captain America Civil War, thinking it would be a short trip. That soon turns out to not be true, when she catches the eye of a certain actor.
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Imsebastianstan: I'm going to miss princess Username: why are you leaving? Username2: infinity wars, duh Chrisevans: she looks so much like an carter_martinez Anthonymackie: bro, she looks more like Seb chrisevans Scarletjohansson: agreed chrisevans Kyliejenner: agreeing with anthonymackie 100% Romanian baby Carter_martinez: look at my princess ❤️ Imsebastianstan: don't you mean our princess? carter_martinez Carter_martinez: totally Username: I sense there is a fight brewing Username2: yeah because carters a drama queen
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Carter_martinez: On our way to say goodbye to daddy imsebastianstan Anthonymackie: what is that on your finger? Carter_martinez: ? Anthonymackie Scarletjohansson: IS THAT AN ENGAGEMENT RING? Kyliejenner: OH MY GOODNESS YES BABY! 😭😭😭👍🏼👍🏼 Robertdowneyjr: Congrats guys 🎉 🎉🎉🎉 Username: MY MOM AND DAD 😭😭😭 Elizabetholsen: CONGRATULATIONS BABY GIRL! ❤️❤️🎉😭 Chrisevans: guys they aren't engaged Scarletjohansson: what do you mean? Chrisevans Anthonymackie: look at chrisevans tryin ruin an exciting moment for my ship Robertdowneyjr: boo you whore chrisevans Evanspeters: no chrisevans is right, they aren't engaged Imsebastianstan: what the hell is going on Chrisevans: that's her mom's wedding ring that she gave her the day she died Kyliejenner: oh my god Elizabetholsen: I feel horrible now Anthonymackie: ditto elizabetholsen