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The_cartermartinez: My hoe brought me chocolate donuts I'm deceased Tagged: KyliejennerChrisevans: you hate chocolate donutsThe_cartermartinez: I'm just really hungry chrisevans Kyliejenner: 😘Anthonymackie: bitch I want someThe_cartermartinez: th...

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The_cartermartinez: My hoe brought me chocolate donuts I'm deceased
Tagged: Kyliejenner
Chrisevans: you hate chocolate donuts
The_cartermartinez: I'm just really hungry chrisevans
Kyliejenner: 😘
Anthonymackie: bitch I want some
The_cartermartinez: they're all gone anthonymackie
Anthonymackie: wtf how
Kyliejenner: I turned my back for one second and she had stuffed them all in her mouth, it was terrifying anthonymackie
Username: how can someone so small eat so much food
Elizabetholsen: God damn now I'm hungry
The_cartermartinez: I'm still kind of hungry actually
Kyliejenner: how in the hell are you still hungry

The_cartermartinez: My hoe brought me chocolate donuts I'm deceased Tagged: KyliejennerChrisevans: you hate chocolate donutsThe_cartermartinez: I'm just really hungry chrisevans Kyliejenner: 😘Anthonymackie: bitch I want someThe_cartermartinez: th...

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Kyliejenner: with my baby daddy 💕
Tagged: the_cartermartinez
The_cartermartinez: my baby mama 😍😍
Username: I low key ship them
Username: we all do username

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