Chris Evan's cousin, Carter Martinez, stops to visit him on set of Captain America Civil War, thinking it would be a short trip. That soon turns out to not be true, when she catches the eye of a certain actor.
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The_cartermartinez: Arya Marie Stan coming March 2017 to a hospital near you Username: IM SCREAMING Username: MY FAVES ARE HAVING A CHILD Chrisevans: GAME OF THRONES IM SCREAMING Robertdowneyjr: SUSAN AND I ARE SHOPPING RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK The_cartermartinez: guess who is in the lead on the godfather scale now robertdowneyjr Anthonymackie: FUCK IM GOING AND BUYING STUFF BYE Chrisevans: GOD DAMN IT username: I love how quickly she goes back to Sebastian Margosha777: go away rat username The_cartermartinez: 😘😘😘 margosha777 Margosha777: ❤️❤️❤️ Username: omfg what Username: isn't that the girl seb supposedly cheated on Carter with? The_cartermartinez: Margo when are you coming and seeing me? Margosha777 Margosha777: soon and I'm bringing you and baby Stan some gifts! The_cartermartinez: I love you more than Sebastian 😭❤️😍 margosha777 Imsebastianstan: bitches the_cartermartinez margosha777