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thecarter_martinez: Late night adventures with this hoeUsername: Seb looks SOO GOOD AHSVHDJEthecarter_martinez: Ikr usernameiamsebastianstan: im not a hoeElizabetholsen: your a thirsty hoe iamsebastianstan Iamsebastianstan: dafuq Username2: my par...

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thecarter_martinez: Late night adventures with this hoe
Username: Seb looks SOO GOOD AHSVHDJE
thecarter_martinez: Ikr username
iamsebastianstan: im not a hoe
Elizabetholsen: your a thirsty hoe iamsebastianstan
Iamsebastianstan: dafuq
Username2: my parents are together
Username3: #martan is together, I'm alive, my skin is clear, my grades are up
Anthonymackie: username3 me rn
Tomholland2013: my parents username2
Iamsebastianstan: who said you were my son?
Iamsebastianstan: carter and I don't have any kids
thecarter_martinez: MY SON tomholland2013 MY PRECIOUS BABY PLUM 👶🏼
Tomholland2013: 😏 Iamsebastianstan
Tomholland2013: MOM
Iamsebastianstan: wtf

thecarter_martinez: Late night adventures with this hoeUsername: Seb looks SOO GOOD AHSVHDJEthecarter_martinez: Ikr usernameiamsebastianstan: im not a hoeElizabetholsen: your a thirsty hoe iamsebastianstan Iamsebastianstan: dafuq Username2: my par...

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Iamsebastianstan: Adventures with the love of my life 💕
Tomholland2013: my mom is so pretty and my parents are goals
Iamsebastianstan: for the last time
Iamsebastianstan: we are not your parents
thecarter_martinez: that's not the way to treat your son, such a bad father
Tomholland2013: 😢
Anthonymackie: #sebastiansabadfather
Username: #sebastiansabadfather
Iamsebastianstan: wtf

Drive S.SOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora