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The_cartermartinez: Goodbye NYC, it's been fun, but it's time to go back home Username: why does it look like shes been crying?Username: Carter are you okay?Elizabetholsen: I miss you already baby!Robertdowneyjr: hang in there kiddo Anthonymackie:...

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The_cartermartinez: Goodbye NYC, it's been fun, but it's time to go back home
Username: why does it look like shes been crying?
Username: Carter are you okay?
Elizabetholsen: I miss you already baby!
Robertdowneyjr: hang in there kiddo
Anthonymackie: who am I going to get late night burritos with 😩
The_cartermartinez: go and get them with chrisevans
Anthonymackie: ew no
Chrisevans: thanks Anthony
Username: I'm so confused why is she leaving?
Username: yeah what about imsebastianstan
Username: don't bring that rat into this conversation
Username: she deserved it
Username: explain to me how someone deserves to get their heart broken username
Evanpeters: I'll meet you at the airport bean
The_cartermartinez: thanks Peter evanpeters

Drive S.SOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora