Chris Evan's cousin, Carter Martinez, stops to visit him on set of Captain America Civil War, thinking it would be a short trip. That soon turns out to not be true, when she catches the eye of a certain actor.
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The_cartermartinez: Everyone welcome Valkyrie, Asgardian Goddess. I'm so excited to start filming! chrishemsworth tomhiddleston Username: OMFG Username: IM SHOOK IM SO READY Chrishemsworth: Welcome to the family! 😊 Chrisevans: IM SO FUCKING EXCITED Anthonymackie: IM SO PROUD IM CRYING Elizabetholsen: babes you look hot Imsebastianstan: Im so proud of you baby! 😘😭 The_cartermartinez: thank you all so much! Username username chrishemsworth chrisevans Anthonymackie Elizabetholsen The_cartermartinez: i love you so much 😘❤️ imsebastianstan