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Sebaby 💕

Hey you wanna go get pizza xx
READ AT 8:45

READ AT 8:47

Why are you ignoring me?
Did I do something wrong?
READ AT 8:49

Are you ignoring me because of that article of Evan and I?
READ AT 8:52

You are so fucking childish
Talk to me when you decide to grow up xx

Christopher 🇺🇸

Tell your best friend to quit being childish and actually answer my text

What happened?

So E! Fucking trash released an article about Evan and I and how I'm apparently cheating on Seb

The fuck?
You and Evan are like siblings

I know right
If Seb doesn't stop being a childish butt face I might just go home early

That's unfair to Lizzie and I

I'm sorry Chris, but I can't deal with his crap right now
I've gotta pack
I'll talk to you later

Drive S.SOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora