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thecarter_martinez: Thanks robertdowneyjr for the amazing apparel! #teamtonyrobertdowneyjr: no problemo chrisevans: WHATchrisevans: MY OWN FAMILYrobertdowneyjr: suck it chrisevansiamsebastianstan: bestfriend, why?thecarter_martinez: the only reaso...

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thecarter_martinez: Thanks robertdowneyjr for the amazing apparel! #teamtony
robertdowneyjr: no problemo
chrisevans: WHAT
chrisevans: MY OWN FAMILY
robertdowneyjr: suck it chrisevans
iamsebastianstan: bestfriend, why?
thecarter_martinez: the only reason I would switch to team cap would be for Bucky iamsebastianstan
thecarter_martinez: because he's precious
iamsebastianstan: 😏
robertdowneyjr: #shipped
chrisevans: agreed
anthonymackie: agreed
scarlettjohanson: agreed
elizabetholsen: agreed
renner4real: agreed
iamsebastianstan: agreed

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