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enewsoffical: Is there a Civil War going on between iamsebastianstan chrisevans to see who can win thecarter_martinez heart? Are you team #sarter or #mevans?

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enewsoffical: Is there a Civil War going on between iamsebastianstan chrisevans to see who can win thecarter_martinez heart? Are you team #sarter or #mevans?

chrisevans: what

thecarter_martinez: what

iamsebastianstan: I'd win

thcarter_martinez: yes you would, because ew

anthonymackie: don't ruin my ship #sarter

thecarter_martinez: ew don't use that anthonymackie

thecarter_martinez: it sounds like farter

iamsebastianstan: oh my god it does

thecarter_martinez: Throwback Thursday with my COUSIN chrisevans enewsoffical

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thecarter_martinez: Throwback Thursday with my COUSIN chrisevans enewsoffical

username: baby chrisevans was so cute!

chrisevans: i'm still cute username

anthonymackie: omfg you tagged them

anthonymackie: this is why you are my queen

robertdowneyjr: I love my daughter

thecarter_martinez: father? robertdowneyjr

renner4real: anthonymackie she's my queen

anthonymackie: renner4real mine

thecarter_martinez: ladies, there's enough of me to go around anthonymackie renner4real

iamsebastianstan: you were so cute!

thecarter_martinez: thanks, sebby!

iamsebastianstan: what happened

renner4real: anthonymackie our ship just sunk

anthonymackie: iamsebastianstan that's no way to treat your future wife!

thecarter_martinez: rood

thecarter_martinez: no longer bestfriend iamsebastianstan

thecarter_martinez: deleted, blocked, reported iamsebastianstan

iamsebastianstan: no bestfriend, i'm sorry

iamsebastianstan: love me

iamsebastianstan: i'll bring you food

thecarter_martinez: I love you iamsebastianstan

anthonymackie: they just renner4real

renner4real: my heart can't take this anthonymackie

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