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evanpeters: missing my best bitch and our late night coffee runs ❤️ the_cartermartinezthe_cartermartinez: thanks bby 😘username: jumping from guy to guy, wow 🙊the_cartermartinez: Evan's been my bestfriend since we were 10, do your research before...

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evanpeters: missing my best bitch and our late night coffee runs ❤️ the_cartermartinez
the_cartermartinez: thanks bby 😘
username: jumping from guy to guy, wow 🙊
the_cartermartinez: Evan's been my bestfriend since we were 10, do your research before you comment username
evanpeters: when are you coming back because we need to hang out
the_cartermartinez: im coming home in 4 days
evanpeters: counting down the days ❤️
the_cartermartinez: ❤️

the_cartermartinez: hottest man alive 😍 love you babe and I'll be home soon 😘 evanpeters username: omfg Evan 😂username2: thank you carter for blessing the fandom with these pictures the_cartermartinez: no problem username2evanpeters: wHEN DID Y...

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the_cartermartinez: hottest man alive 😍 love you babe and I'll be home soon 😘 evanpeters
username: omfg Evan 😂
username2: thank you carter for blessing the fandom with these pictures
the_cartermartinez: no problem username2
evanpeters: wHEN DID YOU TAKE THESE?
the_cartermartinez: while we were Facetiming 😂
evanpeters: I hate you
the_cartermartinez: Nuu you love me too much evanpeters ❤️
evanpeters: sadly ❤️
Username3: #martan <<<< #cavan
Username4: #martan is the real deal username3
Anthonymackie: agreed #martan username4
Imsebastianstan: 🙃

Drive S.SOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora