Chris Evan's cousin, Carter Martinez, stops to visit him on set of Captain America Civil War, thinking it would be a short trip. That soon turns out to not be true, when she catches the eye of a certain actor.
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The_cartermartinez: The TCA after party was amazing! Thank you guys so much for making it a night to remember! Chrisevans kianlawley daisyridley jboyega_ adamdriver daisyridley: that's was so much fun! The_cartermartinez: We need to get together again! Daisyridley Daisyridley: yes! Username: how is carter friends with all these celebrities? Username2: she gets around 👉🏻👌🏻username The_cartermartinez: username2 okay I do not have sex with random people and I'm friends with all of them because of my job Jboyega_: she only does the do with imsebastianstan Chrisevans: nO jboyega_ Imsebastianstan: 😏😏😏💦💦💦🍆🍆🐱🐱🐱 chrisevans jboyega_ Chrisevans: STOP Imsebastianstan: chrisevans your going to want to wash your sheets Chrisevans: WHAT The_cartermartinez: 🙊🙊🙊 Chrisevans: IM DONE Chrisevans: YOU TWO ARE NEVER ALLOWED IN MY HOME AGAIN