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Where are you?

Marvel meeting, why?

Oh you just weren't here when I woke up
What's the meeting for?

I'll tell you when I get home

Okay love you 😘
Read 11:30 AM

Filming for Infinity Wars begins next week

How long are you going to be away for?

8 months possibly longer

What about Arya?

What about her?

She's starting to roll over, don't you want to see that?


Sebastian you missed her sitting up and her eating her first solids

Carter I can't deal with this right now

Can't deal with what?
Missing your daughter growing up?

I'm the only one paying for everything now, because you're not working

Whatever, I need to go take care of OUR daughter, she at least needs one parent in her life
Read 2:54 PM

Drive S.SOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora