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@royaLrory: after today I'll be a high school grad, folks

9:32 am


Graduation day was finally here for Rory. She had already handed out the tickets to the house and her parents and grandparents, so she was 100% sure she would be seeing literally everyone there.

She looked in the mirror. What was she gonna do after high school was over? College maybe, but she wasn't too keen on the idea anyways. Maybe a year off of school would give her enough time to decide what she wanted to do.

"Rory?" Her mom walked in, admiring her daughter. She had never looked so grown up in her life before, and it felt like just yesterday she was born. "We're running a bit off schedule, are you ready to go? I know the seats will be absolutely packed soon, so your father and I would like to get there early and save the seats for your friends and Seth."

"Yeah, I think I'm all ready to go." Aurora carefully took her gown and cap off of their resting place. It was time.


Everything was ready to go. They lined up behind the gym doors, waiting to walk out into the rest of their lives. She was so ecstatic just to leave this high school forever.

Rory's ears picked up the orchestra playing the traditional graduation songs, and she knew it was about to start. Her feet picked up the pace, looking around only for her eyes to settle on her friend, Cassie Manner, the class president.

As soon as she stepped inside the gym, she swore she felt the humidity start to ruin her hair and she immediately looked for Seth and her parents and Matt and the other guys.

Rory quickly found them, Davis' face hidden by the 80D he held in his hands to take pictures for her. She smiled at Seth and he looked so proud of her. Aurora was so lucky to have a boyfriend like him by her side.


Meanwhile, Matt was fuming. His hair was slicked back and he was sweating in the dress shirt Hector made all the guys wear. He was also sitting next to Seth, which made him more enraged watching him pull out his phone to take pictures of Rory. That should be him doing that.

The graduation seemed to drone on and on, and the only things Matt was focused on was Rory, her parents, Seth, and the heat in this gym. All he wanted to do was leave, but he loved Rory so he would stay.

The receiving of diplomas was finally here. Matt thought back to his days when he graduated and remembered how long it took for his name to be called. Aurora Müller would take ages to come. But he always had time to wait for her.


"Morgan Lyons," Mrs. Mateo called. Rory was so nervous for her name to be called. The white material of the gown swayed as she moved up. She smiled at Magda, who she saw in the first few rows because she had gotten a 4.0. "Aurora Müller."

She walked up gracefully to the giver, and shook hands and smiled. She found Davis and smiled for the camera, hoping he got that shot.

Rory walked to her seat gracefully and smiled. She's a graduate.


a/n: for fricks sake mates bae didn't favorite my tweet

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