Last Chance

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Pouring rain cascaded from the dark and cold skies that were flashing with lightning, and sound of thunder rumbling in the distance. It was quiet, minus the sound of the rain that fell heavily onto the concrete. My eyesight was blurry and my head felt dizzy making me want to collapse so badly and fall asleep. But I was on a road and I was at least aware enough that it wasn't the safest place to take rest. My feet stumbled numbly as I continued down the road and in the grass, looking for any lights that were lit up in houses.

One stuck out.

Two cars remained in the driveway - a green and gray truck with the words "Armed Citizen" printed in bright yellow on the back of it and a red or orange jeep sat next to each other. There were no lights on, but my fuzzy, light headed brain comprehended whose house I was approaching. I coughed as I ran weakly to the door and pounded, crying.

"Open the door!" I screamed  as loud and hard as I could. Relentlessly pounding more and more as time went by. I reached over ringing the doorbell. I didnt know how late it was. But by how dark it seemed it must've been past midnight. I pounded and pounded on the door weakly feeling my strength leave my body. I was about ready to collapse. I had to try harder.

"Anybody open the door!" I said continuing to cry and feel my head throbbing with extreme pain, my ears started ringing. I saw my vision get fuzzier. I was beginning to lose consciousness and hope.

Through the corner of my eye I watched as a light switched on from the inside. I slumped down onto the ground, I continued to pound at the front door, using up the last burst of energy I had. My eyes got blurrier and blurrier as I barely saw someone peek through the curtain and open the door but only for me to lose consiousness.

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