It Never Ends

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Asia's POV

After being questioned by the police my head hurt. They had asked me questions such as what did the place where I was looked like; what was the bad guy's description; what had happened and so forth. After a while I had just quit on the questions due to the headache I had recieved. My parents had come into the hospital in a rush, my mother crying and my dad a worried mess. Like he didn't look it, he likes to always look calm, but judging from his clumsy behavior he was worried. Both glad I was okay looks on there faces. My eyes started to drift shut but I tried to stay awake. I couldn't help but think about wanting to see Max, wanting the company of Thomas and Ashley. Ashley was in danger. I would've opened my mouth and told my parents, but I fell asleep before I had the chance to.

It was dark and the only source of light was a dangling lamp in the middle of the room. I was back in the abandoned boat warehouse. I hid behind some tools as I heard shuffling and the loud sounds of masculine voices that sounded angry, followed by an angry feminine voice. Ashley!  I looked down at my arm and saw a white bandage wrapped around it, blood seeping through it. It started to throb along with the minor burns on my legs and arms.

"Let go of me you fucking bastards!" I heard Ashley's curses ring in the air and echo off the walls. I heard a grunt as she was shoved down into the chair, a chain wrapped around her. I watched carefully as she wriggled trying to get out. 'Dont be stupid Ashley.'

"You're more trouble than little bunny was." Lewis, the older one, stated. "A lot more punishment will be dedicated to you."  I heard a coughing/spitting like sound and then a hacking noise. Lewis suddenly had a disgusted look in his eyes and face and Ashley's teeth were bared. She had just spit in his face. In reality I could've laughed but in my mind I knew there was consequences.

There was a thundering of footseps and Daniel popped up.

"What happened boss?" he asked subconsiously playing with his lighter in his pocket.

"She spit in my face!" he spat, grabbing the back of Ashley's hair and yanking it back, making her let out a little cry. I let out a small inaudible gasp. "You little brat." he snarled. I saw Daniel look over in the direction of me making me duck down. I held my breath hoping I wasn't seen. As soon as I thought the coast was clear I felt a hand clamp over my mouth making me let out a muffled scream. I kicked and punched but the Daniel kid had a good grip as he dragged me out. Lewis let out a smirk and Ashley's face was covered in scars and blood.

"Welcome back little bunny." Lewis said and laughed making me let out a scream.

"Asia? Asia wake up." I felt someone gently shaking me awake, but before I had the chance to, I opened my eyes and gasped breathing heavily. I was shaking while very light beads of sweat crossed my forehead, and could hear my heart monitor beeping slightly faster than usual. I looked to my side and saw Maxwell sitting beside me, looking worried as ever. I noticed his blonde hair looked oily and greasy like he hadn't showered in days, knowing him he might not have, and he looked sad and possibly he could've grown grey hairs.

"Max?" I said looking surprised to see him. He slightly smiled before he walked over and engulfed me in a hug, his head burying itself in my neck. At that moment I didn't care if I hadn't showered in three days, my teeth felt disgusting and I ached like I didn't want to move. I closed my eyes wrapping my arms back around him, inhaling his scent and missing the feel of him. I had never felt so happier to see him and hug him in my life. I felt hot tears swell up in my eyes and I started to lightly cry. He pulled slightly away his arms still wrapped around me.

"Hey, dont cry." he whispered kissing at my tears. "I'm here now. You're safe." I sadly smiled and hugged him lightly, letting my tears soak his shirt. I didn't care if I was crying in front of him. I had missed him so much. I pulled back after a while and wiped away at the remaining tears that were falling on my face.

"What happened while...I was gone?" I asked and sniffled wiping away at the tears on my face. His face grew solem and Max sighed deeply.

"It was like...hell while you disappeared. Ashley was in panic and I felt stressed. But you're here and everything's okay." I frowned and grabbed Max's hand in mine our fingers intertwining. He could sense that something wasn't okay.

"Max...everything's not okay yet. Ashley got taken from the asshole guys who got me." I said feeling a knot in my throat. A frown formed on his face and a thick silence fell in the air remaining there for a long time. I can sense Maxwell thinking, "Ashley your a dumbass!"

Ashley's POV

I felt my stomach form in knots as the chain that was wrapped around me was tight. Too tight. I had risked everything to save my boyfriend and my best friend. And here I was stuck in an abandoned boathouse with two psychopaths. Yep just another typical day in the life of Ashley I thought.  And with the way I can be; my life was at stake. Way to go Ashley! I glanced around looking for any escape. My only option was the door up to more living hell with the people i like to call: The asshole brothers! Or I could use the window which Asia had been lucky enough to escape from. I heard voices from upstairs and blew some hair out of my face. Tasty. I think about my hair that always likes to wind up in my mouth. Don't you just love to eat hair? I sure do, taste better when you've been sweating and beaten up. Put that on the menu at your local restraunt!

I watched as Lewis,who was followed by Daniel, walked down the stairs. I eyed them nastily and Lewis only smirked at me, pulling up another chair he had stowed away in the corner and sat in front of me, crossing his knees and lacing his fingers while resting them underneath his chin and looking at me like I was an interesting specimen. He's got one thing right, I am interesting. I stared back at him with a nasty look. Then I decided I'd rather use comedy and just make funny faces at him, and stuck my tougue out. Asshole feel the wrath of my comedy!

"Y'know, maybe we should just I dont know...kill you? And lock your body away where no one can find you." he said. I didn't say anything. Didn't move or barely breathe. But deep down I was terrified and didnt want to die. I wriggled a little bit in my chains and looked at him. Maybe we should lock you away where no one can find you. Stick your evil ass in a freezer somewhere and bury you alive! I would never say that out loud in this situation im not dumb, but I do atleast like to voice my opinions, even if they can only be heard from inside my head. I started chucking to myself.

"You could at least be kind and loosen my chains a little? I feel like I"m suffocating." I spat and he laughed sitting up straight.

"Now why would I do a thing like that? You're  prisoner.  Me captor." He said referencing tarzan. Ha my captor has humor, bet yours doesn't. "Prisoners dont get privaleges unless they earn them. You haven't earned squat." Humors over. I heard Daniel snicker in the corner and I shot a nasty look at him. He didn't seem threatened . I have to work on that. Lewis snickered and held up what looked like a blue phone. It was Asia's.

"Your friend left this behind. We're gonna use this to our advantage over you." he said and grinned before standing up. I thrashed in my chains but that only got me a smack across the face. I winced and breathed heavily feeling rage boil in me. I had never been hit before. Well i have, but not in such a long time. I had forgotten how much it hurts. I was strong and didn't cry, but only felt the pain in my throbbing cheek.

"Sly bitch fox is strong. Much stronger than little bunny." he said. "Impressive. You're a keeper." he said and laughed evily. "Forever." he walked back upstairs followed by Daniel who threw me a wink and cackled a laugh. I sent them a disgusted look behind their backs and thrashed again in my chains. I couldn't get out, couldn't escape. It was hopeless. No it wasnt.

Thomas knew where I was. He could tell the FBI and they'd find me.

But then they'd get captured or worse...killed. I swallowed.

Maybe it was hopeless.

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