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Max's POV

I hung up the phone with Ashley. I looked at the clock on my phone it read 9:45PM. Still early. I had to act normal. No more thinking about my girlfriend being kidnapped. Someone would know somethings wrong. I can't let anyone know what the police don't know. Ashley could be in danger of being kidnapped to. So no matter how much I want to punch a wall, or break down and cry, I can't.

I thought of playing another game of League to keep my mind off things. I was walking over to my room to grab something when my phone went off. I checked it only to notice a text message from Asia. My heart skipped a beat as I quickly opened it and read it.


I miss you both and love you guys to death! If something happens I love you guys so much! Please Help before it's too late... <3

- Asia (to Ashley - meow)

I couldn't help but let out a tear. I wasn't quite so sure what to do, but before I did anything, for some odd reason I actually called Ashley.

Ashley's POV

I was on the phone with Zach when Max was beeping in. I told Zach I loved him, but knew it was important to answer this call. If Maxwell is calling me, you know he has a good reason to.


"Hey, Ashley."

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Well ah I just got a text from Asia." He read me the message, and I couldn't help but play her meow in my head, while letting a few tears fall down my face.

"Max, you have to call the cops. We have proof now that she's missing. Plus, she has  her phone which means they can track her though it. Maybe they can actually save her. You have to hurry."

"Well, can't you do it?"

"Ugh no. Your the one with the phone, they are going to want your address, your cell phone, your statements. You have to call. This could be our only chance."

I could hear Maxwell nervously sigh. I knew how he felt calling the cops was very scary. It makes living seem so real. Most people like to pretend that things arn't really happening, oblivoisness is bliss.

"Okay, i'll do it."He said not sounding so thrilled.

"call me and let me know whats happening, okay?"

"Okay, talk to you later."

We hung up the phone and I started to hope that this would be the end, but something inside me shouted this was only the beginning of things, but I was still going to continue to hope that this was it, and believe Asia was okay. Why would shuch a good person have to go through this. Why my best friend, I had to wonder. Hope isn't going to make her come home, but it was going to set things into a positive energy so that way maybe it can make something good happen.

Max's POV

I sighed as I stared at my phone. It was my job to call the cops at this moment so I could tell them there was proof that Asia was missing. My girlfriend; Ashley's best friend. I went to my room, shut my door and dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" an operator spoke. I was a little nervous before I finally spoke.

"My name is Maxwell and my girlfriend has been missing. I have proof she's missing and would like to file a missing person's report." I could hear the lady typing away at a computer.

"Okay sir and what is the person you'd like to report missing's name?"

"Asia Goodmen." i heard her typing on the computer and she paused. "Sir, we have her on record. We have her information on file. We'll be sending out police to investigate the address we were sent right away."

"Oh okay."

"I need your address and contact information so we can get in touch and have statements for her proof she's missing." after giving my information to the lady I hung up and sighed, looking at my phone. I prayed to god that my darling Asia was alright. That whatever monster or creep had her would suffer once they were caught. I needed my Asia. I kept glancing over at the text she sent me and slightly smiled before feeling a few tears fall down my face. I quickly wiped them away.

Gotta stay strong. I kept repeating to myself, over and over.

I layed on my bed, thinking about everything. About my darling Asia, and staying strong for her, when i was awoken from my train of thought knocking sounds on my front door.

"Maxwell?" I heard my mother's voice call through the door. I sat up laying my phone on my bed and seeing my mother walk into my room.

"Is everything okay? You seem to be acting a little weird lately. Is something bothering you?" Weird. My mother noticed something was wrong. I must be a little off lately.

"I'm fine." I replied looking up at her. My mom looked at me before nodding and exiting my room. I noticed she went to the computer and jumped onto facebook. Typical of my mom. I turned on my phone again and read through the message again before putting my phone aside. If I read the message too many times I might just break down and cry. I had to distract myself. I looked around and picked up a library book I had checked out a few days earlier in the week, and begun reading it, hoping it would distract me from the thoughts of my missing Asia.

 Ashley's POV

I laid on my bed in a way hoping for Maxwell to call, tell me he made the police report and now a missing person's report would be out. But my phone just stared back at me not ringing, being silent as day. I sighed and stared up at my ceiling. My best friend was out there and there wasn't a fucking thing I could do about it. I had talked to Zach but there wasn't much more I could talk to him about.

The only thing I could really do now was hope.

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