Trade offs and Questioning

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Lewis's POV

I walked away from the Exam room quietly and walked down the hall back to the basement where the boy was. That boy had nothing for me but was the key to getting Little Bunny back, to killing them all. I picked up a long knife and sharpened it while examining it closely. It shined perfectly and it was sharp enough to kill that boy.

I turned to the boy who sat shaking with fear and wouldn't look up. I slowly walked around him, taunting him with the quietness and tension. This amused me. To make him shake more i decided to just stand there and stare at him, took my knife out of my poket and move it around a bit in my hand. It worked I saw him shiver and take a huge gulp... this boy gave me the reactions I loved to see. Fear.

After a minute of this he must have got the courage to finally speak. "What have you done with Ashley? Where did you take her?" His voice came out all raspy, and shakey.

I couldn't help but plaster a huge grin on my face. "I'm not going to tell you that Maxwell. Who the fuck said you could ask me questions?" I wasn't in the mood for a Q&A session. It's always the same shit different day different captives. It really gets annoying after a while.

Maxwell kept his staring at the ground in fear. Finally he looked up and said, "Well can't I replace Ashley right now? She doesn't need to be hurt more than she already is. I know according to you and how you think she was bad and acting up, so you must have decided to punish her. She's in no condition for that. And if you don't agree im only going to piss you off until you decide to punish me instead you damn asshole!" Wow this kid just grew a pair. He really just talked to me like that? He must really be friends with that sly bitch fox. I hated the "all knowing" look in his eyes right now. He was no longer shaking, and staring straight in my eyes.

Well that really pissed me off. He was teasing me, Giving me what i want then taking it away. What a douche bag. This is like when you go to a bar and you take a chick home expect to fuck, she's taking off her clothes  your kissing getting into it, then she gets sick, pukes in the can for an hour then passes out...and your left with a huge bonner that you have to take care of yourself. Yeah, that makes me want to kill them.... instead i just steal there shit then kick them out.

Max was unlucky today though. I was in a bad mood. He pissed me off. He's making me have to take care of my bonner myself... metaphoricly speaking. "Well, just remember you asked for it. Were gonna do the old switch-a-roo."

I united Max and dragged his scronnie ass to Exam room 1.

Daniel's P.O.V

I really didnt want to hurt this girl. I was left in a room with many torture wepons but I just wasn't feeling it man. Like, really I tried to hurt her. I pulled out one of the scaples (as suggested by Lewis) I put it up to her throat and tried to bare it down against her neck... but I couldn't. I did have a promise with her. And this girl knew I was going soft on her she realized that to. Thats why she kept harasshing me.

"So Mr. Pyro, what was your father like?" She kept pushing about my father and let me tell you, it was the most annoying thing ever. I was getting so pissed off. She wouldnt leave it alone.

"Seriously." She said her voice becoming unmockingly "What did he use to do to you?" She said that last part as a whisper.

I don't know how she knew that my father is the reason i am the way I am today. It was like taking a hammer and smashing it on top of my head. I took in a deep breath. "None of your fucking business!" I snapped. Why can't she just leave shit alone. I was getting furious now. I took the scaple  still in hand, and pressed it bact up to her neck. "Shut your fucking mouth before I really snap on you. You know nothing and never will, your lucky your from a good home, with no real tormented past like mine. You could never undertsand and trust me your better off not knowing anything like that, as long as you want to keep you damn sanity."

She started to chuckle. "You mean i'm sane now? Who laughs when they have a scaple pressed up against there neck?" I didnt get to let out my inner rage as i was rudely interrupted by Lewis barging in.

"Change of plans." Lewis said with a grin. "Little Bunnies boy to decided to take sly bitch fox's place."

He pushed the boy to the ground, slammed the door and walked away.

Max's POV

I landed with a hard thud on the concrete ground and groaned in pain, feeling my knees scrape. They were throbbing and now bleeding. I heard the other kid grumble something but I wasn't much of listening. What had I done? I had traded myself for Ashley's place, but it was better than her ass getting kicked and killed. Cause she could open her mouth a little too much. And in this situation...she could end up killed instead of ass kicked. I let out a yelp feeling my collar of my shirt get yanked up and was face to face with Daniel. I quivered a little.

"You little brat. You ruined my plans of what I was gonna to do her." I shrunk a little, not liking his loud voice. He growled and threw me next to Ashley who was tied up and looked in pain. She gave me a look that said "Dont do anything stupid or I'll hit you".

"Alright Maxwell," Daniel resumed speaking, "I'll just give you the punishment that I was gonna give little darling over here, then." he said glaring at Ashley then back at me. I gulped and trembled but I had to be brave. For Asia and for even her own best friend. Damn it.

"Leave him alone!" the scream was distant but I knew it was Ashley's. I felt a hot flicker of pain touch my skin and yelped, not being able to move. Not only besides the ropes tying me up limiting my movement but the pain making it hard and hurting.

"Shut up!"  the boy's voice snapped and there was a cry of pain. Ashley's cry of pain. He hit her. I groaned and heard a deep laughter. I looked around; I could still see what was going on but at a distance everything got blurrier and blurrier. I suddenly smelled something smoky. Something was burning. I looked down. It was my clothing.

I screamed trying to escape my ropes.

"Leave him alone! Max!" I heard Ashley scream in fear.

Within minutes I felt lots of pain and was passed out.

 Asia's POV

I sat in the grey questioning room, waiting for someone to come in. I didn't like being here. It  made me nervous a little. I heard the door unlock, creap open and a woman with brunette, shoulder length hair walk in. She was very pretty and looked nice. She sat down in front of me and folder her hands together.

"Hi Asia. I'm FBI Agent Lilah Marinah." I nodded feeling shy and uncomfortable. She seemed to sense it.

"I know you are uncomfortable being here, but i'll make this as painless as possible, okay?" I squeaked out a muffled 'Okay' before she resumed.

"I hear your best friend Ashley is missing? How long has she been missing for?" I swallowed before answering the question.

"A few days." she nodded.

"From what I know of you guys are very close friends. Best friends am I correct?" I nodded. My nervousness was fading slightly but I still didn't want to be here. It made me nervous. "Can you tell me how this guy contacted you and what happened up til now?" I swallowed but nodded.

"And take your time. I have all day." I swallowed before telling her from what happened from the threatening message after school on Facebook, to meeting the hostile strangers (what they looked like, their names and reputations), having Thomas, Zach and Ashley involved, what they did to me - at that point I was starting to struggle. I looked down at my arm, seeing the permanent word WEAK engraved in my arm. The agent frowned.

"If you dont want to continue that's alright." I shook my head.

"No, it's fine." I then resumed speaking of how I was rescued and then Ashley was taken in my spot, how Thomas and I broke Zach out of the hospital and I had been recieving threatening messages over facebook, text and then Video. And how Max had been snatched up as well.

"It's when I had started getting video. I need them found. They're my only friends." I started to choke on fresh tears that fell down my face. The agent had recorded everything I knew from the incident since day one. She patted my arm.

"We will find them, Asia. We just need to scan through the evidence and look up where these guys might be located. It'll help us find them faster." I only could nod. Time was ticking and who knows how long Ashley and Max had.

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