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Ashley's POV

It was dark now and still no sign of Asia. Where could she have gone off to? I was thinking of new ways to reach her, when suddenly it hit me: Max. I have his number in my house phone. He never answers me though, but maybe if I call enough times he'll pick up. I hope so.

After about thirty calls Max FINALLY answered his phone.

"Hello. Who is this?"

"Max it's me Ashley."

"Oh......" Long pause. "Well whatdid you want?"

"Have you heard from Asia?"

"No. I've tried texting her, but I havn't heard from her. Why?"

"Because neither have I. I think somethings happened to her."

Long pause. "Well, i'm sure she's okay."

"Well, I sure hope so. I don't know if that's true.Here save my number in your phone. Actually save it. Call me if you hear anything from her okay?"


"Alright bye." I hung up the phone quick without hearing his response. He is way to akward on the phone. If I didn't know him i'd think he'd be one of those phone creepers that call you in the middle of the night and when you answer they just breath into the phone.

I finally decided to get on Facebook to see if my friend Thomas had heard from her. When I logged on there was one new message. Guess who it was from? Your right.

Whogivesafuckwhatmynameis: Have you noticed something strange recently?

What the muffin fuck?How does he know that something strange has been going on today.....unless.... Then it hit me.

Ashley Rose: Where is Asia?

Whogivesafuckwhatmynameis: Well atleast your not some dumbshit like someone I know. And sweetie I aint telling you shit about her whereabouts. But fortunately i'm nice enough to give you hints. Let's see if that pretty little head of yours can figure this mystery out. But if you dare tell these hints to the police or FBI you will be next. Now the first hint will be given to you tomorrow I have shit to do.

What the hell. This mofo smartass has Asia. What do I do? The first thing that popped into my mind was to call Maxwell. He's not exactly street smart, but he can be pretty booksmart. Not only that he's good at keeping his emotions intact....unless you hit him with a pool noodle. (Insert laugh)

Max's POV

I was on the computer playing a game of League. Ashley called me a while ago asking if I had got into contact with Asia. I hadn't. I tried texting her maybe twice - but I had no responce from her. I honestly was a little worried. It wasn't like her to not respond so it made me a little concerned. I kept destroying minions in my game and going after the bad guys, attempting not to get killed, when I heard my phone vibrating. Suprisingly, I listened to Ashley and saved her number. I didn't want to but I'd rather have her not call me a million times. I glanced over to see her calling me again, hit the recall button for my game then answered my phone.

"Hello?" I said wondering what she wanted this time.

"Dude! Get off your fucking League and log onto my fucking facebook!" I blinked and wondered why she wanted me to log onto her facebook. I never used that site. Asia once in a while showed me her facebook page but hardly ever.

"Why?" I asked.

"Asia's been fucking kidnapped look at the damn message!"

"Ugh why are you making me do this I dont know," I started grumbling as I pulled up facebook and asked for Ashley's email and password. I listened to her as she gave them both to me and pulled up the message. I started pondering whether Ashley was telling the truth or not. I hoped she wasn't. I figured out from the username: Whogivesafuckwhatmynameis, would probably be what I was reading from. I clicked on the message, listening to Ashley's demands of,

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