Chapter 15 - Mending the Problem

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The following day, Richard was more determined to make Maine forgive herself. He will not give up on her. He will not give up on his dream to be with her the rest of his life. He is not willing to let her go. But how will he do it? That's the lingering question that has been bugging him since last night after he left her apartment.

In the office, he was spacing out and cannot concentrate. He was physically present in the meeting but his mind was somewhere else.

"Sir Richard, is there anything you can add one?" he was asked by one of the managers.

Richard, was still looking at the windows like he didn't heard what the manager said.

Sam sensing that his friend is not listening, he then cleared his throat and at the same time kicked Richard under the table. This gesture caught Richard's attention. He then said "Sorry. What were you saying?"

The manager then explained again and at the end asked the same question. When there was still no answer, Sam already took upon himself to answer. "I think the concept is good. But just the same, please give us a few days to look at this thoroughly. We will get back to you by end of this week."

All the other people in the table just nodded. When Sam saw this, he then said "Okay. I think we are done for the day. Thank you gentlemen. Meeting adjourned." After that, everyone else rose from their seats and piled out of Richard's office.

When the door closes, Sam then tapped the table to get Richard's attention. When Richard turned his head towards the meeting, he was surprised that everyone left except for Sam. He then give a loud sigh and covered his face with his hands.

Sam then spoke, "So what happened? Why are you distracted?"

Richard then turned to look at his friend. He doesn't know what to say. He opened his mouth, then just closed it.

"Come on man. Your mind had been flying the whole meeting. You barely spoke and you even asked for the last person to repeat his presentation. That's a first I might add. So, what's the problem?"

"I'm sorry. I just cannot really think straight. I'm worried about Maine." He finally admitted.

"Why what happened to her?"

Richard had no choice but to tell Sam everything. When he was finished he just let out a loud sigh.

"But, it's nobody's fault. Come on, it's had been what 5 years. She can't blame it all to you." Sam said.

"That's the problem. She's not blaming me. She's blaming herself. She thinks that it's all he fault. She feels guilty on the events that caused pain to others 5 years ago."

"That's insane. It was nobody's fault."

"Yeah. I kept telling her that. But she cannot still forgive herself."

"Well, that's complicated. So what's your plan?"

"I need to talk to her. I will not give up. But I also need to correct what happened 5 years ago. If I can do that, then maybe she can really move on."

"How will you do that?"

"I don't know yet. All I know is I need to fix this."

"Well, good luck on that man. Let me know if you need my help. You know you can count on me."

"Thanks man."


After Sam left, Richard tried calling Maine but she refused to answer his calls. Since he cannot concentrate, he asked his secretary to cancel all his meetings for the rest of the day. Since he cannot talk to her, he opted to go to her apartment. When she's not there either, he went to L' Hexagon de Clover. He was then informed that Maine didn't went to work. He was now lost. He doesn't know where else to look for her. He was liked a caged animal the whole afternoon.

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