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Thank you to all my readers. I hope I was able to give you some entertainment while you were reading. I apologize if there are some inconsistencies on my story. I tried to ensure that all lose ties were closed but I might have missed something.

Do let me know your thoughts about my story. I would love to hear your feedback. Who knows, maybe I can write a book 2 of this story. If I get enough encouragement from you readers, maybe I will. All in all, I would really appreciate your feedback so that I can also improve my writing on my next story.

Also, I do hope you take the time to read my new story entitled Doctor's Order.

Again, thank you to all you readers. I really appreciate the time you've given me.




Sam and Patricia arrived at the venue. Sam was carrying their 1 year old son while Patricia holds the hand of their 5 year old son. As they enter the venue Richard and Maine saw them and greeted them. Maine and Patricia exchanged short kisses while Richard and Sam shake hands. The two couples then walked to proceed to the garden where the party is happening.

"Tita Maine, where's Seb and Sab?" the five year old Andre asked out loud.

Before Maine could answer, Seb and Sab came running to their parents. Seb easily outrun his twin sister towards their parents. Seb reached Richard first and kissed his father then proceeded to kiss Maine. After 10 seconds, Sab arrived as well and kissed her mom and proceeded to sit on his father's lap.

"Hey kids, aren't you going to greet your Tito Sam, Tita Patricia, Andre and Althea?" Richard ask the twins.

Both Seb and Sab immediately approached Sam and Patricia to kiss them and said hi to Andre. Althea was asleep so they didn't bother to disturb them.

"Mom, how come Andre have a baby sister but don't have one?" Seb asked.

All four adults all turned their heads to the 3 kids. Maine and Richard was turning red and was struggling to answer the question. Before any of the 4 can answer, Sab raised her question as well, which made Maine turned redder.

"No, I want a baby brother. Mom, can I have a baby sister please?" Sab inquired.

Before any more questions were raised, Maine cleared her throat to answer her kids.

"Kids, it's not that simple. There are things that need to be done for it to happen." Maine finished lamely.

Richard and Sam were trying to contain their laughter while Patricia was already smiling from ear to ear.

"But Mom can you do it soon so that I can have a baby sister." Sab again asked.

"Yes Dad, can you please do what is needed so I can have a baby brother?" Seb added.

"No, I want a baby sister, not a baby brother." Sab interjected.

"No, I want a baby brother." Seb argued.

"Mom, Dad, can you just give us 1 of each instead?" Sab then just asked.

"Oh dear. What are we going to do?" Maine whispered to Richard's ear.

Richard was already smiling and finally speaks.

"Okay twins, I'll see what Mom and I can do about that request. Will that suffice?"

"Yehey." Both kids shouted and was jumping as they were excited.

"Now, why don't you two go back to the party with Andre. I think the magician is up next." Richard said.

"Okay. Come on Andre." Seb said and signaled Andre to follow him.

Both boys runs towards the other kids while Sab remained on his father's side.

"Hey, baby, are you alright?" Maine said to Sab and carried her to her lap.

"Mom, I want a baby sister so I can also have a friend like Seb." She then turned to Patricia and asked, "Tita Patricia, can you have another baby girl so that I can also have a friend?"

Sam choked with the question so Richard patted him at his back while laughing silently. Patricia then handed her 1 year old son to Sam and spoke to Sab. "You know baby, I would gladly like to have a baby girl as well. I would like to have a baby girl as cute as you. When I have one, will you promise to be friends with her?"

"Yes, Tita. I promise." Sab said while raising her right hand.

"Thank you baby. I will keep that in mind okay?" Patricia then said.

"Okay." Sab then said smiling. After that conversation, she immediately ran back towards the party with the other kids.

"Wow! That was hilarious. Time really flies so fast." Sam said while shaking his head while trying to contain his laughter.

"Yeah, I know." Richard answers and was now laughing.

All four adults then laugh because of what happened. After sometime, Sam and Patricia stood up to get some food, while Richard and Maine were left sitting on one of the tables.

Richard then reached for Maine's hand and pulled her to sit on his lap.

"Love, you heard the twin's request right?" Richard asked Maine.

"And so?" Maine asked with her eyebrows raising.

"Well, I did made a promise to them." Richard then said knowingly with matching mischievous smile.

"Whahahaha.... I know what you're thinking Love." Maine said.

Richard then leaned in to kiss Maine on her temple and whispered "Well, I intend to keep that promise." He said.

Maine then looked at Richard and gave him a quick smack on his lips before saying "I know." Then she smiled.

"Get ready tonight Love. The sooner we start, the sooner I can make that promise come to reality." He said wickedly.

"I can't wait." Maine simply answered.

Richard then placed both of his hands on Maine's cheeks and look straight to her eyes.

"I love you, Love...." He said then kissed her on the lips. "So much!" then he kissed her again.

"I love you too!" she said and kissed him back.

The End.

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