Percabeth oneshots

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hey guys, i just wanted to thank you , ONE THOUSAND READS!!!!! i was really happy, anyway, heres the oneshot.

Annabeth rolled over on her side as she slammed her fist on the alarm clock. She knew Percy would be at her cabin door any second now. 3...2...1... Wham wham wham. There he was. he was giving her Sword lessons early today. usually they were after lunch, but Chiron wanted them wanted them changed to first thing in the morning. She could strangle him.

"Hey, ready for the lesson?" Percy asked, as she opened the door.

"Yeah, just give me a sec to get changed." Annabeth replied.

She walked back into the cabin as Percy waited on the door step. She threw on some jean shorts and her Camp Half-Blood t-shirt. As she walked out Percy said, "You realize we're training right? You don't have to dress nice to impress me." Annabeth had to use all of her strength not to strangle him. 

Sword lessons went well and afterwards they went down to the lake. Percy made an airbubble. they accidently fell asleep. They were cursing themselves when they walked out of the lake, because all the campers were laughing at them. Anna beth felt so embarrassed, until percy leaned over and whispered.

"They're just laughing at the fact that a guy like me could end up with such a beautiful girl like you."

Maybe today wasn't so bad after all.

Im sorry. i know its terrible. i suck at writing oneshots. Ill do better next time

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