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"Percy you need to check out this website!" Annabeth screamed as she knocked on the poseidon cabin door.

"Annabeth, I'm sleeping." Percy said as he turned around.

"If you were sleeping you wouldn't be talking to me right now!" Annabeth yelled back.

Percy sighed as he got out of bed. He walked over to open the door. As soon as he did Annabeth pushed past and sat on his bunk.

"What is it you want to show me?" He asked as he leaned over to see what annabeth was looking at.

"It's this place called Wattpad. It has thousands of stories. And you can right your own!" She said excitedly.

"I see you've written one about us." He  noted.

"What? No I didn't." Annabeth said.

Percy pointed to the screen as Annabeth followed his fingers.

"I didn't write these." She said as she began typing their names into the search bar. Thousands of results showed up.

"We need to show this to the rest of the group!" She exclaimed.

"How did they find out about us?" Hazel asked.

No one knew. The 7 were sitting around Annabeths computer looking at the screen.

"Maybe someone told the outside world." Piper suggested as she leaned back into Jason's chest. Everyone automatically looked at Leo.

He threw his hands in the air. "It wasn't me I swear!"

"Yeah but then who did?" Frank asked.

"Well all these books say that they belong to Rick Riordan." Percy said.

Then they track rick down and killed him

The end

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