Two: Just Like Fire

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Your pov
Lately I'd been having weird dreams. Dreams of a boy I'd never met. Dreams of a yellow triangle. Dreams of my father. Dreams of fire. Dreams that stray from the monotony I'd gotten used to, even grown fond of.

     This dream was no exception. This dream was all of them combined.

     The brunette male I'd learned to know as Dipper ran up to me in the woods of Gravity Falls, his shaggy brown hair flying behind him in the wind. "Hello, (Y/n)!" He greeted me casually. I waved in return and looked behind me to see my father.

"Hello, (N/n)," he said lovingly as I enveloped him in a hug.

"I missed you, Dad," I whispered. "What did it do to you?"

He laughed. "Nothing much. Nothing of importance." His left eye flinched, and suddenly both of his eyes turned bright yellow, the pupils slitted. Then he falls limp on the ground and out pops the yellow triangle, the Illuminatcho, as I called him in my head. With his triangular shape and the single eye embedded in his forehead, it's not hard for people to get the impression he's an illuminati nacho. At least not in my opinion.

"It's not nice to call people names, (Y/n)," he said and I'm sure that if he had a mouth he would've been smirking. I stared at him, refusing to speak. It's not as if there was a need if he could read my mind to know I called him an Illuminatcho. "That's right, you smart little princess! I can read your mind!" He ruffled my hair and I blushed in embarrassment; he was treating me like a child! 'Don't patronize me, Illuminatcho!' I thought.

He glared at me. "The name's Bill Cipher, just so ya know. And I'd appreciate it if you stopped using the term 'Illuminatcho'. I'm a dream manipulating demon!" So why was he in my dream? "Look princess, I kind of need your help. I'm trapped in the woods of Gravity Falls and you need to free me! It's nearly killing me just to be here! Please!"

He sounded so desperate, so in need. I had to be a Good Samaritan and help him out. "Thank you so much! You're not going to regret it!" Suddenly, his form burst in flames and began to flicker before the fire disappeared. "Well, looks like my time is running out here. Remember, reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold byeee!"

Suddenly, I was set on fire. I looked to Dipper and Dad, but neither of them offered me any help. I decided to run, but just like fire, I was burning up the way as I moved.

I awoke with a new awareness, ready to start the day. Which was strange, since I wasn't exactly a morning person. I remembered I had to go into the forest to find a dream demon. Yep, not creepy at all. "Morning, (Y/n)!" Mom greeted.

I grinned and hopped out of bed, running downstairs and grabbing some (favorite breakfast food), scarfing it down in a snap. "Are you okay, (Y/n)? You're in quite a hurry today."

I grabbed my notepad and wrote, "I'm going exploring in the woods today, if that's okay!"

Mom smiled. "Of course! Have fun, and be back by dinner time!" I nodded, grabbed my (f/c) backpack, and ran out the door.


Hmmm... I thought, if I were an immortal dream demon, where would I be trapped in the woods...?

As I was searching the woods, deep in thought, I bumped into something. It was a statue, and it looked a lot like Bill. Suddenly, my mind was flooded with ominous, urgent whispers that I found extremely humorous.

Come closer!
Save me!
In here, ding-a-ling!
Get me out!
Shake my hand!
Let's make a deal!

They each made their demands, but it seemed like they were all coming from one place: the statue. Hesitantly, I approached the statue. I didn't really want to, but I felt drawn to it, like I had no choice but to approach.

Shake my hand! Save me! The voice insisted again. Take my hand and I'll be forever indebted to you.

I finally decide to take the statue's hand, because why not?

Maybe it was Bill in there.

As I took its hand, the statue began to glow a bright yellow. I had to look away; it was too bright for me to look at without crying. The voices faded and a quiet laughter surrounded me. I recognized it from somewhere, but just couldn't quite recall where I'd heard it before.

After a minute, the hand began to feel warm, like I was holding a person's hand. The light faded, and in the statue's place stood a golden-haired boy with an eyepatch, because when you're an Illuminatcho, of course your human form has an eyepatch. That's just common knowledge. And of course his hair is blond. Why wouldn't it be? And of course he's young and quite good-looking. That's just the drill with demons that are God-knows-how-old.

He grinned at me and I knew it was Bill. "Hey there, princess. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" I blushed. Was he..complimenting me? He laughed. "Maybe I am. But I need a place to stay, if you don't mind. I can't be in demon form, even though it would be a lot easier on my powers. But if I stay in human form and don't use my powers for a few days, I should be as good as new."

I cleared my throat. "Oh," he said. "Thanks, princess." He put an arm around my shoulders and we walked off. "It's kind of nice to be able to walk," Bill announced, which made me laugh loudly. "I knew you couldn't stay mute forever."
But I haven't spoken yet, I pointed out in my mind.

"True, true," he replied out loud.

Will it not be weird for you to have a conversation with me without me talking?

"If we're in public, then yes. Otherwise, I think it's fine. I might be an all-powerful dream demon," he winked at this, "but I do wish to stay discreet." I nodded in understanding. "So, where will I be staying?"

I guess you could stay in the guest room.

"Why can't I stay with you?" Bill pouted.

Mom would never allow that. Never, ever. And it would kinda creep me out.

He shrugged. "Whatever."

You know, it's nice to finally be able to talk to someone, even if I'm not actually talking.

"I guess it would be nice to communicate with other people after years as a mute." I looked up at him; he was about half a head taller than me. "What?"

Didn't you get lonely...trapped out here alone?

"Well, I've never particularly had a lot of people to talk to anyway."

Doesn't it feel bad?

"Well, yeah."

We're a lot alike, Bill. We've got the same problem. Why don't we go through it together? Loner friends? I hold out my fist for a fist-bump.

He sighed. "Loner friends. The demon and the mortal."

Best loner friends forever.

It was nice to finally have a friend, but it seemed like it wasn't something that happened a lot. He wouldn't betray me...would he? He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who's a loyal friend.

"Of course I wouldn't, princess. I'd never betray you. No one can be just like me...Anyway, you're the only one who gets it."

Just like fire.

Howdy! Lars here! How's the story so far? I'm quickly editing right now, and I'm thinking of ideas for the sequel. I'm going to do a crossover. Should it be Black Butler or Ouran High School Host Club? It was going to be PJO or TMI but that was like a year ago. Sorry if you're not into anime.

Silent: Bill x reader x DipperWhere stories live. Discover now