Chapter Nine: i hate u, i love u

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((Lars: Oh my gods. We made it to 1k views!!!!!! Thank you everyone for reading this story and for being so patient with my updates! Because I know I update this story waaayyyy too slow, but don't worry! Hopefully I can keep the updates more frequent from now on.))

Your pov
     I was curled up on my bed with the sheets past my nose. I'd been this way for a while, locked up in my room, trying my best to stay isolated from the world. I hadn't spoken to my mother, so it was like I'd never spoken at all. I shouldn't have spoken; I hadn't lost Dad but I might as well had. He was as good as dead, living eternally as an evil demon. I felt horrible about leaving Bill there with him, but I had never chosen to do so. If it had been up to me, my dad would've gotten his butt kicked. But I guess he will get his butt kicked regardless.

     I was worried; I was empty again; I'd lost my hope in the possibility of returning to a normal life; I'd lost one of my only friends. I wanted to talk to Dipper about it but I knew there was nothing he could do. Maybe I would feel better to be with him, though. Just as I was getting up to get dressed and go to the shack, my door opened and Mom walked in. "You okay, hun? You've been alone in here for days, only coming out to eat and use the restroom! What happened?!"

      I shook my head, a gesture that made it clear to her that it didn't matter. It's been such a long time, and she's just now asking what's wrong? I grabbed the notepad from the bedside table and wrote, Nothing of importance. I'm going to go see Dipper and Mabel, k?

     Mom nodded her head. "That's fine by me. I just hope you don't plan on going to their place in your pajamas." I shook my head again and Mom left me alone. I dug through the closet until I found my Disco Girl T-shirt and my silver leggings that went with it. I quickly put my clothes on and jogged out of the house, not even caring that my hair was a horrid mess.


     "Hey (Y/n), I haven't heard from you for a while. How are you?" Dipper greeted me at the door. I shrugged. "Not talking anymore?" I shook my head. "Why not?"

I don't want to talk because I know my dad's pretty much dead and I can't help him.

"But he's not dead," Dipper told me.

May as well be. I wrote this guiltily, looking away from Dipper. I didn't want to see the disgust he would surely be feeling towards me.

     He put a finger under my chin to tip my head up. "(Y/n)."

     I could feel myself blush as he said my name.

     "I'm...sorry. I know there's nothing I can do to help you, but if you need someone to talk-well, write to, you can come to me."

     I smiled. "Dipper, I-" he cut me off in the most surprising, yet cliche way.

     He kissed me.

Bill's pov

I couldn't believe it. I'd basically killed (Y/n)'s father twice now and I knew she must be furious with me at this point. I admit it-I was afraid to face her at first. I hid away in my mansion in the Mindscape, but gradually the worry left me as I found things to occupy myself: useless magic, singing, anything really, but nothing would keep my mind off of her. I didn't worry what she would think, I worried she was in danger and I wasn't there to protect her.

Silent: Bill x reader x DipperWhere stories live. Discover now