Four: Counting Stars vs. Superluv

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*This chapter's gonna be long. Just sayin'*

Your pov
     I ran my fingers through my hair one more time before beginning to braid it, then my mom came in and scared the schist out of me.

     "Hey (Y/n)!!!! About ready for that party?!"

     I let out a little squeak and continued to braid my hair. I hated when she barged into my room uninvited and out of the blue.

     "I know, that was uncalled for. I'll leave you to it! Just come get me when you're ready!"

     As I was tying the end of my braid, Bill Cipher appears out of nowhere. I fall out of the chair, hitting my head on the vanity as I let out a squeal.

What the actual Hades, Bill?! What if I had been changing?! I would've killed you on the dam spot!

He laughed. "You can't kill me, princess! I'm a being of pure energy that cannot be destroyed!"

I guess you're right... Think fast! I punched him in the stomach as hard as I could and he fell to the ground laughing. Why are you laughing?

"Pain is hilarious!" He exclaimed and chuckled some more. I laughed because that was true. Then my mom came in with a baseball bat and Bill disappeared.

"What was that crash? Did something try to kill you?"

I laughed and shook my head. I grabbed my notebook and wrote, I thought I saw a spider is all. It was just a ball of fuzz... at least I think....

Mom laughed. "Looks like you're ready for the party." I nodded in agreement and grabbed my purse, shoving the notepad and pencil back inside so I could communicate with my friends. I put my cat ear headband on and skip out of my room.

Bill's pov
     I couldn't believe (Y/n)'s mother had agreed to let me stay in her house. She'd been a lot easier to convince than I thought. She was losing her touch. I looked at myself in the mirror one more time, being satisfied with my look, and went to the door to wait for (Y/n).

I was awestruck when I saw how her ensemble of black and mint green looked on her. Her black dress had the print of mint green flowers and fell to her ankles. Her black flats looked like kittens and she wore a black cat ear headband. Her hair was in a simple braid, but was adorned in sparkles and had a tiny streak of her favorite color in it. She looked flawless.

"Wow," I breathed. "You"

She giggled. The good wow or the bad?

"It's beautiful. You're beautiful." I couldn't answer her straight off or her mom would get suspicious that I was some kind of mind-controlling alien or something. (You never know 'round here.)

A hint of a blush crept up her cheeks. Thanks.

"Well, let's get going." She smiled and interlaced her hand in mine.

Mabel's pov
"About ready, bro bro?" I asked Dipper. He'd been getting ready for the past hour.

"Yep," he said. "!" He walked out of the bathroom in a dapper black suit with a navy blue tie. He still had his hat on, the dork, but his hair had been styled and gelled.

"Gee wiz, bro bro! Who're you trying to impress, some girl?"

"What??? No, that's ridiculous, Mabel!!!" A drop of sweat fell from his hairline and I knew he was lying. But I didn't let him know that I knew.

"Why are you so dressed up then?" I pressed on.

"It's a party, so I guess I might as well dress to impress."

Silent: Bill x reader x DipperWhere stories live. Discover now