The Encounter

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This is my first ever fanfiction. And in fact, this is the first time I ever published my story online! (Yiey, I guess?)


"E sei splendida, Ineguagliabile... Con gli occhi dentro i miei, senza parlare resta accanto a me..."

I sat happily in my front row seat as they sing. I can tell that he was watching me during the whole song, and gave me smile every once in a while. I didn't want to get too excited as I might distracted him, so I just smile back every time he looked at me.

Two hours, and the orchestra began to play a beautiful song, the familiar Grande Amore. The boys' voice along with the beautiful orchestra filled the whole theater. The audience cheered as they begin to sing. They encouraged the audience to sing along and they did. Realized that the concert was coming to an end, most of the audience started to walk towards the stage to get closer to the boys. Some of them gave the boys flowers and some other presents. The concert ended with the three boys took the final jump, and then the on stage lamp went dark.

This wasn't the first time I came to watch their show, but every time I go, it always feels like the first. I knew nothing about them until about 2 months ago. A friend gave me a ticket to their show because she couldn't go and I know instantly, after that first show, that this is my kind of music. I just fell in love with their music like it was love at the first sight.

After the show ended, I went to see them in the meet and greet along with about 50 other people. Besides Piero, Gianluca, and Ignazio, there are also some band members and people from the management in that room.. I can tell that everyone was having a great time.

Been busy with my own thoughts, I didn't realize one of the boys is coming towards me. It was Ignazio. He was smiling and open up his arms to hug me.

"How was the show, amore? Did I do a good job?" he said and hug me, giving me a kiss to the cheek.

"It was great!" I said, taking him off me and look at his silly face. "What are you doing here? Go back to your fans right there." I encouraged him to go back because I did't want to distract him.

He put on his silly sad face. And instead of doing what I said, he kissed my other cheek and hugged me again, "But I miss you so much, Tania."

"I'll have the whole night with you, while they only have what? An hour?" I paused. "It won't be fair for either of us." he let go of me and then smile, "Go! I'll meet you in the dressing room, okay?" he nodded, but before he go, he kissed me again in my hand.

"Ti amo, Tania!" he said, half running to go back and join Gianluca and Piero.

I smiled, "Anch'Io ti amo, Igna." I said it softly, make sure no one heard.

Yes, since the first time we decided to be together, we made a commitment to keep it a secret. I don't like publicity as I thought it might disadvantage Ignazio and Il Volo. And even Ignazio, who's familiar with it, wanted to keep his private life the way it should be. Private.

I still remember how we get to know each other. It was early in the morning after I watched my first ever Il Volo show. As much as I love it, I still got tired the next morning and decided to grab a cup of coffee before going to the hospital for my voluntary work. I sat in one of the table outside the cafe, enjoying my coffee when suddenly someone tripped over and bump into my table. I was about to get angry and throw some bad languages but then I saw a tall guy hurried to pick himself back up, and go straight to me with a guilty look on his face.

"I'm so sorry miss, I didn't mean to... I... Let me buy you another cup." he stammered, tried to explain himself in a deep Italian accent.

I froze and didn't say a thing. Instead, I looked at his face and began to wonder. What did he do, get up this early in the morning after such a tiring night?

"Miss, are you okay?" he look at my face with concern. It took me several seconds to realized what happened.

"Umm, I'm good." and then I realized that the coffee was all over my white shirt. It was obvious that he too noticed the stain.

"Oh I'm so sorry about your shirt." he said, again with a deep Italian accent. Then he took off his jacket and put it on me, "There, so you won't catch cold."

He introduced himself as Ignazio. Of course I knew him. I just went to his show last night. It turns out that he also remember me. "You're the girl from the show last night. Front row in the middle, right?" he said. I nodded, amazed by his strong memory. "I knew it! You look familiar. Who is your name again?"

I smile, "Oh yes, I haven't mentioned it. My name is Tania."

Since that day, we've been seeing each other more often. I learned that Ignazio is a romantic and funny guy, but can be serious if he needed to. I also learned that they will finished their tour here in the States and will stay to record their new album.


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