Part 9

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*Tania's POV*

I noticed the difference in him since they finished the Europe tour a week ago. One time he can be all cheer up, but then it suddenly changed and he began acting cold towards everyone including me. Piero and Gianluca even came to me several times to ask if we were good because Ignazio was easily distracted. I thought he was just tired and he just needs some rest. I wish I can do better than just giving him some space.

I still thought nothing wrong happened until two days ago. They were in the middle of a show of their North American tour when he suddenly touched his head and fell. The crowd was shocked, as well as Piero and Gianluca, but he quickly get himself back up, laughing as nothing happened, and finished the show, looking fine. The audience glad he was okay but I knew there was something wrong. I confronted him after the show and asked if he was okay. And of course, he said yes. I thought I was being stupid to believe him.

This morning, however, the same thing happened, and this time right in front of my eyes. We were making breakfast when suddenly he dropped a crystal glass before hit the floor pretty hard. He fell on his hand and broke his wrist.

"It was just a dizzy spell. I'm fine." He tried to reason with me.

"Oh yes, and yet here we are, in the ER." I threw sarcasm. He didn't say anything, probably realized I was right.

I spent the next 30 minutes waiting in silence while Ignazio tried to make some jokes to the doctor who treats him. Of course, they asked about why he fell, he mentioned about migraine and insisted he was okay, so they just gave him a splint and sent us home. But we still have to come back the next day to get him a cast. I drove him home in silence until he finally fell asleep, probably from the medicine they gave him.

I decided to stay to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. I knew he has a rehearsal before the concert this evening, but he hasn't asked me to drive him to the theater. We haven't talked to each other since we came back from the hospital.

"Hei." He whispered to my ear, hugging me from behind with his uninjured right arm.

"Hi," I answered.

"I'm sorry." He apologized without telling me what he was sorry for, but I knew exactly what he was talking about. He was apologized for being stubborn. There was no conversation between us and I saw him go back to his room.

I pretend I don't care and continue switching tv channels, but silently observing him. I know he was looking for something. I saw him come back to me after a couple of minutes, looking confused.

"Do you know where I put my key?" he asked.

"I have it," I said holding the key. "I drove you here, remember?" I explained, teasing him. I was about to hand him the key but then I realized something. "What are you going to do with it? You can't drive!"

"I can." He claimed, scratching his head trying to find a word. "I'll think of something. I need to be at the theater by 5."

"No driving!" I said quickly and get up from my chair. "Not with one arm in a sling. No!"

There was silence for seconds. He didn't say anything because he knows I was right. No one can drive a manual car with one hand. I can see him thinking, trying to figure something out.

"I'll drive you," I said and grab my coat. "I'm gonna be there watching the show anyway."

"Thank you so much." He embraced me to his arm and kissed me.

*Ignazio's POV*

A touch on my face woke me up from my sleep. It was Tania, telling me we've arrived at the theater. I almost forget about the show tonight. After what happened this morning, all I wanted to do is to sleep all day in my bed, covered by warm blankets. My body ached and my right wrist was sore. I am so grateful for Tania, even though she can be very stubborn sometimes, I know how much she cares about me.

Some fans were waiting outside the theater and they greet me nicely, asking for a picture. Most of them are also curious about my hand. We then headed to the backstage where Gianluca and Piero were discussing something with one of the band members. They turn around to greet me.

"What happened?" Piero asked, referring to the sling. Gian was curious too. I was about to answer him when out of nowhere, Tania suddenly talked for me.

"He fell again, just like two days ago. Only now he landed on his hand and end up with a broken wrist." Both Piero and Gianluca made a face. I can see they're worried about me.

"I'm fine, guys. Really." I tried to explain but they look into each other and seem not sure about what I said. "Come on! You guys know I don't need my hand to sing."

"What about your head, Ignazio?" Tania pointed out. Here we go again, I said to myself.

"He has been having migraine, guys. He didn't tell me, but he told the doctor this morning."

Both Piero and Gianluca look into each other and then nodded their head before look into Tania and smile. They know it's kind of regular for me to have migraines whenever I overworked my body. I didn't tell Tania because I know she would be worried about it.

*Tania's POV*

So he wasn't lying. It was only because of the migraine. I, somehow, relieved about this fact. I just hoped Ignazio told me about it before. But it doesn't matter now that he's alright.

After catching up with the boys, I get into my seat in the empty theater and watched them rehearse. As usual, Ignazio is the center of attention. He runs around the stage, made jokes about anything and anyone, even himself. But today I noticed both Gian and Piero were gentler to Ignazio, probably because of his hand.

"Is it broken?" I remember one of the audiences asked him during the concert when he was introducing the next song.

He smiles and made a gorgeous cute face, "Sadly it is, my darling. But it's okay, I learned my lesson." he paused, "I'll stop jumping off things." and then the audience burst into a laugh.

The show is great, as usual. I can see the three of them were having fun. The audience enjoy the performance and awarded them with some standing ovation during the show.


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