Part 3

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I woke up feeling cold in my feet. I can see why when I look down and found that my feet weren't covered by the blanket. Wait, what? A blanket. I'm in someone's bed! I look around and nothing seems familiar to me, so I know I wasn't in my room. When I look at the table on my right side, I found a framed family picture of 4. One of them I knew was Ignazio, the other man is his dad, I suppose, while the other two women are his mom and sister. Several minutes observing the picture, I know I'm in Ignazio's room. But how? The last thing I remember was sitting in the pool, hearing him sing my favorite song, Splendida. Wait, He carried me here?

I was wearing the same clothes as last night. The only thing missing is my sneakers and my socks. I couldn't find them in the room so I decided to walk barefoot. I opened the door and found Ignazio sleeping in the living room couch with his sweatpants on, one of his legs hanging over the side of the couch, almost touching the floor. He didn't have any pillow and blanket with him and I feel very bad because this house is freezing and he might catch cold sleeping this way. So I go back to his room, grab the blanket I used before, and put it over his body. He stirred but didn't wake up.

Feeling tired after last night, I headed to the kitchen to find some coffee. I help myself and make two cups for me and Ignazio. The coffee was almost ready when I feel someone hug me from behind.

"Morning," he whispered and kissed me.

"Morning, sleepyhead," I said teasing him. "By the way, sorry for using your kitchen without permission."

"I don't mind at all," he said kissing my hair over and over. "What are you making?

"Just coffee to start our day," I replied.

I can feel him released his hands from me and went to the other side of the kitchen. By the gesture, I know he was looking for something. His eyes lightened up when he found a jar full of cookies. He tasted one and nodded his approval.

"This should go well with the coffee." He put the jar on the counter and turn my body to face him. "Try it!" he said feeding me the cookie. I took a bite and it was so good.

"Chocolate, I like it." I paused until I swallowed it. "I didn't know you bake. This is so good!" I compliment him and took another one from the jar.

He laughs. I didn't know why but his laughter was so contagious it made me laugh with him. "Me, baking? No way!" he smiled. "I can eat deserts just fine, but making them is another thing," we both laugh.

"Piero came over and made this couple days ago," he explained, taking a sip of the coffee I just made. He led me to the backyard and bring our coffee. I followed him with the cookie jar, eating the content while we walk. I didn't know Piero baked. This is kinda surprising. "He was so stressed lately with all the shows and some personal problems." he paused. "Baking keep him sane."

"And you? What keeps you sane?"

We spent the day lazing around in front of the TV. We were not watching it, we just like to be on a couch under the blanket and feel the warmth. Ignazio made a silly comment about some commercials he saw and that made me laugh. I feel so comfortable near him.

All of a sudden, he turned the TV off and started looking at me with his serious face. He cleared his throat and begin to talk. "Listen, Tania, about last night... Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" his Italian accent was even deeper in his serious tone. I froze, I thought he would never ask about it again but he just did.

I wasn't sure if I should answer it or not, I just froze and look down. Even without looking at his face, I know he looked at me, begging for an explanation. "That was nothing." I paused for a second, "Nothing to worry about." I smiled, looking into his face, hoping that he would drop it again. But not this time.

There was silence between us for a moment, "You don't trust me?" he said before I could say anything. I can hear a disappointment in his voice.

"No, Igna. It's not like that!" I replied. He was wrong, very wrong. I do trust him, I just didn't think that I need to share this particular story to anyone. "It just..." My words were cut off by the sound of someone enter the front door, it was Gianluca. Thank God for sending this beautiful creature of yours to save me, I said to myself.

I Can't Live Without You (Ignazio Boschetto)Where stories live. Discover now