Part 2

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I was writing my journal when I heard the dressing room door open. I can hear the boys speaking in rapid Italian and from the gesture, I know they were teasing Gianluca. I quickly got off from my chair and put down my journal. Both Piero and Gianluca went silent after they saw me.

"Alright guys," Ignazio said, holding me in his waist. "This is Tania." he paused looking at me, "My girlfriend."

Yes, it's been two weeks we were together, but this was the first time he introduced me to his friends. He's been asking all this time, but I always refuse. I guess I just don't want them to judge me or anything.

"Hi, guys!" I raised my hand and smile to them, awkwardly. There was silence between us for a moment. But then the two of them look at each other and smile.

"Come here, sweetheart," Piero said, invited me to his arm and kiss my cheek. And then Gianluca comes to do the same. I always imagine a famous singer like them to be rough and cold but in contrast, they're very friendly and compassionate and I like to be around them.

In 30 minutes, Ignazio introduced me to all of the people in the Il Volo team and I felt very welcome. They've never asked about how we met each other or other personal questions. I can instantly feel their love for me and I am very happy about it. Ignazio does have the best team and family around him, just like he always said to me.

I spent the whole night with them at the after-show party. There was music, soft drink, foods, and the whole team in the room. They were dancing, chatting, and making fools of each other. I can see Ignazio enjoying himself with all the food and the music. I kinda feel out of place because I've never been in a room with so many people like this.

I was watching Piero dancing with Gianluca when suddenly someone takes my right hand. It was Ignazio, taking me to the dance floor. He holds my waist as we begin to dance to the music. His hands were so warm and comforting. I can feel his soft breath when he moved his head to be closer to mine.

"Are you having a good time?" he whispered to my ear while we keep dancing.

"Yes. Thanks to you."

"Wanna go somewhere quiet?" he said and I nodded my agreement.

We quietly sneaked out of the party and went to the parking lot. It was already 10.30 so there's no traffic. We only saw about 15 cars along the way. Ignazio was surprisingly very quiet so I guess he has something in his mind. I keep my eyes fixed on his face. I see his eyes sparkling and there was a little smile in his face so I know he's okay. He then turns his head and our eyes met.

"Hei, everything's okay?" he said looking at me and then refocusing his eyes to the street. There was some concern in his voice.

"Yes, of course," I said. "Where are we going, by the way?" I said, wonder if it's a good idea to go out this late without knowing where to go.

"You'll know," he answered without looking at me. And then comes the silence again. Normally I would be freaked out whenever my friends take me someplace without telling me where. Let's say I've had a bad history with this kind of thing. But tonight I feel somehow safe around Ignazio.


I can feel something touching my right shoulder. I opened my eyes and found myself inside a car, it was dark and quiet. Suddenly I felt adrenaline rushed all over my body, my brain telling me to get out and run as fast as I could. But a pair of strong hands stopped me from running. It held my body tight and shake it.

"Tania!" I heard a guy shouting my name. "Tania, It's me, Ignazio!" he shook my body once again before I open my eyes. "Wake up!"

Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I realized it was Ignazio who's holding my hands. He looked deeply into my eyes with concern and it makes me burst into tears. I hug him tight and cried in his shoulder. He didn't protest, just hug me back in silence to comfort me.

"Shh. It's okay, You're okay," he whispered, still holding me in his arms. "I'm here, and you're fine." I can feel my breath started to slow down and the trembling subsided. I slowly let go of him and he observed me silently. He pulls up my chin and gently wipes away the tears from my face. Not a word coming from his mouth, just a comforting smile.

"Let's get you inside," he said finally, holding me by my waist.

I was completely aware of my surrounding. We were in a big house. It was brighter inside, not like on the outside. Looking around, I saw a grand piano in the corner of the room, facing the window to the pool. I sat on a big couch, facing the TV and the kitchen. I see him walking towards me with two glasses of drink.

"Here, to relaxed you." he sat beside me, handing me a glass of tea. The smell was so fresh and just as he said, it's relaxing.

"Thank you," I said, taking a sip. The warmth spread all over my body and instantly bring me back to the present. I then saw him looking at me and smile.

"Wanna talk about what happened earlier?" he asked after several minutes. I shook my head hoping that he won't ask anymore and I'm glad he didn't. Instead, he took me to the backyard and we talked by the pool.

He told me that this is his house. He bought it a couple of years ago when they had to stay here longer than they usually do. At first, he shared it with Piero and Gianluca, but they decided to buy their own for their family to stay when they visit.

We spent the night talking and talking under the beautiful sky. After 30 minutes, we began to run out of words and just sit there watching the stars. I started humming Splendida, after a moment he joins me with his beautiful voice,

"Sposterei montagne per te. Oceani e mari io navigherei.. Camminerei mi smarirei Andrei dovunque sei... Così splendida, così incredibile..."


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