Part 5

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*Ignazio's POV*

I woke up before my alarm buzzed. I'm too excited about today. We have to catch a flight at 6 in the morning to go back to the US. It was only 4 a.m. and my eyes were already wide open. I spent the first 10 minutes thinking about the first thing I'm gonna do once we arrived. Tania's place is gonna be my first stop, for sure.

I clean myself and put on a black shirt, jeans, and my favorite white tennis shoes. I checked my phone and found no message from Tania. I hold the phone with my two hands and begin to type something rapidly:

~ Tania, we finished our show here and we're coming back to the US this morning. I just want you to know, I miss you... See you soon! ~

I think for a moment before deleted the text. I decided to surprise her instead. I know she has two exams on Monday, I don't wanna distract her because If I tell her I'm coming, she will surely be at the airport to pick me up.

I can hear Piero's alarm from my room, and judging by how long the alarm buzzing, I know he's still sleeping. It's 5 a.m. already and I thought I need to wake everybody up so we wouldn't miss our flight.

Piero's room was right beside me, so I went straight to his door and knocked it hard, make sure he wakes up. After almost 30 seconds knocking on his door, I heard a footstep came closer to the door and opened it. And then I saw Piero, without his glasses and still in his pajama, his eyes half shut.

"Piè!" I called him who was already on his way to the couch to get back to sleep. "Piero, wake up!" I shouted but he didn't listen. I finally decided to come in and do it the hard way. I dragged him off the couch and hold his body straight, put him into standing position. He began to open his eyes and protests.

"I'm sleepy Igna." He whined, "10 more minutes, please." He whispered and closes his eyes again.

"No, Piè!" I put my two hands on his face, forced his eyes to keep open. "Your alarm has been buzzing three times. We have a flight at 6, and it's 5.10." I reasoned with him. "You need to wake up, and you need to wake up right now!"

Everyone else is ready in the lobby except for Piero. I was a bit anxious, but everyone else was seemed easy about it so I tried to do the same. We finally leave at 5.35 and went straight to the airport.

*Tania's POV*

I was woken up in the middle of the night by the unpleasant feeling in my stomach. I felt sick like I wanna throw up. I open my eyes; think back about my day and realized I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. I tried to get myself up, but my body ached so much, probably from sleeping in a sitting position.

I managed to get myself to the kitchen and eat some leftover pizza from the fridge. It was cold; I was too tired to put it in a microwave. Now that my stomach was full, I throw myself to the bed and continue to sleep.

*Ignazio's POV*

"Igna, we're here." Gian touched my shoulder to wake me up. I opened my eyes slowly, take off my headphone, and tried to get myself to sit. I look out to the window to see a beautiful clear sky with red and orange color. It was a splendid morning sky.

I found myself wondering about what will happen today. It's Saturday, so Tania probably at her apartment and study for the exam. I think it will be okay if I take her out to get coffee for a minute or two.

"You're very quiet today?" Piero asked, and then pick up his phone and took a picture of me.

"Hei!" I shouted, trying to take his phone. Everyone else was just laughing at us. "Help me here, Gian!"

"Oh no, no," he refused. "I'm not going to put myself into this mess."

We landed at the airport at 9.30 in the morning. Barbara told us to go straight to the hotel and rest because we have to start recording our new album by tomorrow. I talked about my plan to go to Tania's place, trying to convince her that I will have enough rest to feel fresh by tomorrow, and she finally agrees.

Piero and Gian were already on the van to take them home, along with Barbara and Michele. I put my suitcase in the van and say goodbye to them. A minute later, I was already on a cab to take me to Tania. I plan to sleep on the road but I can't because I was too excited about the meeting.

I've been knocking the door for about 3 minutes now. I know she was in her room because all the lights are on. I knock again before I heard a sound from the inside. Something just hit the floor.

"Tania?" I called wondering why she hasn't opened the door, "It's me, Ignazio. Are you okay?" I paused, waiting for a response and nothing. But then I heard another sound, this time someone coughing. I wonder what was happening. I began to think that she was mad at me and didn't wanna see me. But what did I do wrong?

*Tania's POV*

I felt weak, very weak. This is the third time I feel on the floor since last night. My stomach has been bothering me. At first, I thought it was because I skipped lunch and dinner, but it was more than that.

I've been sitting on my bathroom floor for about 30 minutes now. I tried to get myself back up, but I was too weak I fell. I'm done trying because eventually I will have to go back to the bathroom to vomit so I decided to just sit here and wait for my body to get stronger.

The knocking sounds from the door brought me back to reality. I can't believe Ignazio was there in front of my door, waiting for me to open it for him. I tried to get up again, but just like the last time, I end up hitting the floor.

"Tania?" I can hear his voice calling, but as much as I want to get up and open the door for him, I can't. "It's me, Ignazio. Are you okay?" he called again.

"Tania, I'm coming." He said again, this time louder, "I know you have a spare key somewhere around here."

I can hear him searching and then minutes later I heard the front door open. "Tania?" his footsteps are coming closer and closer.

"Oh God, Tania!" he was about to come and get me but I stopped him.

"Don't, Igna!" I warned him, my voice was weak and raspy. "Don't come any closer." I paused, catching a breath. "I don't know what's..." I stopped. My stomach decided to betray my body and I was vomiting pretty badly.

I can feel Ignazio rubbing my back and hold my hair while I vomit. I'm so upset right now. He should've never seen me like this. I should've told him to go home and leave me. After I'm done vomiting, he silently carried me into my room and put my body on the bed. I can see he was upset. He wiped away my tears before covered me with a warm blanket.

"I'm sorry." I was crying. He was shocked by my sudden tears and quickly trying to comfort me.

"Shh..." he holds my hand, "Sorry for what?" he asked. "You did nothing wrong."

There was a silence between us for a moment before Ignazio asked about what happened. I told him everything and convinced him it wasn't as bad as it seems. I might have catch cold somewhere or it's just because I skipped meals yesterday.

"I can see you're upset," I said to him, looking into his eyes. He didn't say anything, just look back into my eyes.

"No, I'm not." He paused. "I just wish I can be more helpful."

"You are very helpful Ignazio." we look into each other's eyes and he smile. "Now, would you sing for me?"

He thinks for a moment and then started to sing Un amore così grande.

Sento sul viso
Il tuo respiro
Cara come sei tu
Dolce sempre di più

Per quello che mi dai
Io ti ringrazierei
Ma poi non so parlare...

His voice was so warm and tender, it was so comforting I fell asleep right away.

I Can't Live Without You (Ignazio Boschetto)Where stories live. Discover now