Part 7

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The big exam day is coming and the fact that I haven't read all the materials made me uneasy. I've never been this uncomfortable about any exam because I always come prepared, but not this day. Ignazio did help me with the study, he read the materials for me and did a quiz after that. It helps, but I am a visual learner so I'm not comfortable with the fact that I didn't read the materials myself.

Ignazio insist I should just stay at my apartment and rest because I'm not fully recovered. He let me go in one condition, that I will call him if I feel not good and he will take me home. I guess we both know that I wouldn't do that.

"Morning, Tania!" someone called me, it was Carol standing in front of the door.

"Morning!" I said turning my head to her and smile. "You'll take the exam in the next room, I suppose?"

"Darling, you're right." she paused, "This is our destiny." she giggled.

I smile, didn't feel like laughing right now because my stomach started to hurt again.

"What's wrong, Tani? You don't look good." she touched my shoulder and look into my face.

"I'm fine. It's just, my stomach has been bothering me since two days ago and I don't know what's wrong. It's getting better tho." I explained, trying to be easy about it otherwise, I know Carol, she will freak out.

I was right about Carol. I spent the next 5 minutes getting a lecture from her telling me to go to the doctor, that I should be at home and rest and not worrying about the exam.

"I'll stay at your place tonight, making sure you get enough rest and not pushing yourself to study. If you don't mind of course." she then looks into my eyes, asking for approval.

"Of course I don't. But I'm fine. I really am."

"I'll be there at 5." she ended the conversation and went back to her exam room as the other student started to come and find their seat. The exam was started exactly at 9 a.m. 'God, please help me' was the first thing I said after the teacher hand us the exam paper.


This was the worst decision I took today. Five minutes walking from the bus stop was too much for my body. When I arrived at my front door, my body was sweating and trembling. It feels like I was about to pass out. By the time I was able to unlock my front door, all I could see was blackness. I wasn't passed out, but I can't see anything.

I decided to just sit, leaning to the door, waiting for my body to regain its strength.

"Tania?" I heard Ignazio calling from somewhere inside my apartment. He was coming towards me, carried me to the couch and lay me down. "What happened?" he asked.

I took a deep breath, "I don't know. I'm feeling lightheaded and I can't see anything." I explained.

"Okay, wait a second." I can hear him moving away from me but shortly come right back.

He lifted both of my legs higher than my head and put some pillows to support it. "This might help."

It works. I started to see something after a couple of minutes. I look to my right and saw Ignazio on my side, holding my hand the whole time. He smiled and then kissed my head.

He didn't say anything and went to the kitchen instead. He came back with a glass of water and a bowl.

"Here, you should drink some." he advised and then help me to lift my head to take a sip. "Before you ask, this is electrolyte water. Mineral water didn't serve the purpose to balance your body electrolytes."

"Thank you." I said softly. I then tried to get myself into sitting position and he sit next to me.

"I told you I'll pick you up. Why didn't you call me?" I can see he worried about me.

I explained everything, that I thought I was strong enough to take 10 minutes bus ride and 5 minutes walking and I was clearly wrong about it. He was very understanding and we didn't argue about it. But he made me promised to call him the next time I wasn't feeling well.

We chat for a little while. He said that he went straight here from the recording studio and he's been in my apartment for an hour, where he made a time to prepared soup for me.

"I make it bland. My mamma said spices are not good for upset stomach." he explained. "I hope you like it."

I was able to take three spoons of the soup and a half glass of water before feeling sick again. Ignazio insisted I should eat more but I decided I've had enough. I rest my head in the pillow, watching Ignazio doing the dishes in the kitchen.


"I'm sorry, but she's asleep."

A familiar sound woke me up from my sleep. I wasn't aware of my surrounding at first. It took me some times to open up my eyes and brought myself into sitting position.

I look to the door and found Ignazio talking to someone. I can't really see the person, because he was blocking my view. But I instantly know once the person begins to talk.

"Carol?" I called and both of them looked at me. "I see you've met Ignazio."

She made a face, "Can we talk in your room?" she asked. "Excuse us for a moment, Ignazio."

She leads our way to my room. I look at Ignazio hoping to get some answer from him but he signals me that he didn't know anything either.

Once I enter the room, Carol closed the door behind us and locked it. She gave that strange look when she asked someone for an explanation. I didn't say anything because how could I possibly know what she was asking for? So I just stand there and stare her at the eyes.

"Who was that?" she asked.

"Who? Ignazio? I thought you knew him."

"Of course I know him! How can't I?" She said rising her voice. "I mean, is he your boyfriend?" she asked again, this time whispering.

"Umm.. Yes he is." I stammered. "I told you I have a boyfriend." I talk back trying to defend myself.

"Yes, yes. But you didn't tell me he is a world famous singer." she paused, catching a breath. "I mean, he is Ignazio Boschetto, Tania. Ignazio freaking Boschetto!" she was started to freak out.

There was a silence between us before she suddenly hugs me and whisper, "I'm so happy for you, Tani." "But you owe me a story."

We spent the next five minutes in the room before decided to come out. The three of us gather in the living room where I finally be able to properly introduced Carol to Ignazio. He was still confused about Carol's sudden mood change but they seem to get along just fine.    

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