Part 4

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*Tania's POV*

It's been a tough week for me. My final exam is coming and I have a lot to catch up on. Law school can be very stressful sometimes, especially when you got too many things to distract you. I got a call from my mom a couple of days ago, telling me that my grandfather's health is not so good lately. It makes me wanted to go home so badly, but I can't. Fortunately, doing some volunteering in the hospital helped to keep my sanity.

I've been volunteering at the hospital since my first year of university studies, which means I've been doing it for two years now. I love coming there and greet the patients, talked with them, and listening to their stories. Sick people often so focused on their illness they forget to connect with the outsiders. I love to see them laugh. I believe laughter is the best medicine for any kind of illness.

Ignazio's been away for about three weeks now and I missed him so much. Their management decided it would be good for them to come back to Italy and do several shows there before they record the new album. It's good for them, I thought, because they get to be closer to their family after being away for months. I know Ignazio was excited too, but there was a little doubt when he told me he has to be away. This is hard for me too, but it wouldn't be fair for him and his family if I asked him to stay.

*Ignazio's POV*

I'm counting the day for us to come back to the US. I was excited to go back to Italy because I miss my family so badly. The first week was amazing, I spent most of my times at home in Marsala with my family. But now that I have to be away from them again and do some shows around northern Italy, it made me thinking about Tania and how much I missed her. There was not a single day without a phone call or texts from her, but it was different from meeting her in person and actually talked to her. I guess this is what feeling lonely must have like.

"Hei." Piero touched my back and sit beside me on the stage. There was silence for a moment before he said another word, "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing." I smiled, trying not to show him my problem. But he seems unsatisfied with my answer.

"Igna," he put his left hand on my shoulder, "We've known each other for years, I know if something bothers you." He stopped, waiting for my answer. But when I didn't respond, he continues, "Is it about Tania?"

I look at him and nodded my head. Deep in my heart I know that they knew, they're just too polite to ask. "I miss her," I told him. And then he talked again, giving me some advice. We talked about 10 more minutes before Gian called us to continue our rehearsal.

I feel slightly better after a talk with Piè. He always has the best thing to say in the time like this. Piero is like a big brother I've never had and I'm grateful for him.

*Tania's POV*

It's been at least 10 minutes I'm in this hospital's bathroom. A boy threw up on my shirt when I pay a visit to talk to him. It's not the first time for me, so it's not really a problem anymore. I understand they never did it on purpose.

"Tania, here, you can use my spare shirt." It was Abigail, one of the nurses here. They've been very good to every volunteer here. They made us think that we're part of them and it makes me really happy.

"Thank you, Abs," I said accepting her offer. It was a simple black shirt with a pocket at its right chest, and it matched my blue jeans perfectly. "By the way, do you have any plastic bag? I can't just put it in my bag." I said referring to my puked shirt.

"You shouldn't keep it, Tani," she said worriedly. "The boy is sick, and we haven't checked him yet. We don't know what disease he might carry."

She was right, he might carry contagious diseases, but this is my favorite shirt and I just can't throw it out. Plus, this shirt reminds me of my first meeting with Ignazio.

"I'll be careful Abby." I reasoned. She was hesitated a first, but eventually gave up and hand me a clear plastic bag. I go back to talk to three more patients before going back home. I stopped by the supermarket to buy some groceries as well as detergent and antiseptic to do the laundry.

By 8 pm, I was already done my laundry and do some reading for the exam on Monday. I'm the type of person who can't read the whole materials in one night before the exam, my head would explode. Done with the materials, I started planning for my weekend. I feel the need to enjoy myself before the big exam.


Sorry this one is kinda short, but I promise the next one will be longer

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