Part 13

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Ignazio's family just arrived last night and he was so happy about it. He hugs his mom and dad so tight the first time he saw them enter the front door. And the one with Nina was different. They both were very emotional probably because he asked her to keep his secret from their parents. I can hear him say sorry in Italian several times before finally let go of the hug.

"Thank you for taking care of my little brother," Nina whispers to me when we hug each other. I don't think that I deserve a thank you. It was he who takes care of me most of the time.

They're very welcome to me. We've had several skype calls before where Ignazio introduced me as his girlfriend. But this is the first time I see them in person. They're probably the sweetest person you can meet.

The family planned to take Ignazio back to Italy as soon as he gets better and let him rest at home but the day passed by with him showing no improvement. He told the doctors that the headache is getting more and more intense every day they have to double up the dose of the painkiller.

~a week later~

We're having dinner together tonight. I help Mrs. Boschetto in the kitchen while Nina and Mr. Boschetto doing the groceries. Ignazio sits on the couch the whole time, cuddle in his blanket and watch me and his mom cooking. He throws some jokes saying I am ready to be the next Mrs. Boschetto.

He hasn't been vomiting this morning and can take a short walk around the house and tease me, so I guess he's having a good day with fewer headaches. He was falling back asleep on the couch shortly after taking the painkillers.

Wasn't like any other night, Ignazio join us on the table for dinner. "Tonight is special," he said before anyone ask. Ignazio asked a lot about home while we eat. How was home, who's taking care of the dog while they're gone, how about Walter, his horse, and stuff like that. Just like he told me the other night, he missed home and can't wait to go back to Italy.

"Tania," he called me after I'm done helping his mom with the dishes. I join him and sit on the couch then he begins playing with my hair and whispers, "Will you please sleep with me tonight?"

I was hesitated at first because his family was in the house. "Just for tonight, I promised. I'm scared.". Ignazio has never scared to sleep alone before but the fact that he asked me and tell me he is scared makes me can't say no.

I help him taking his painkillers before we lay in bed. He didn't say anything, just wrapped his hand around my head and started to close his eyes. I was about to close my eyes too when he whispers, "I love you, Tania." I look at his face and then respond, "I love you too, Ignazio Boschetto."


I grunted when someone touching my face and wake me, "Tania." he whispers to my ears. I open my eyes wide when I realized the person was Ignazio.

"What happened, Igna? Are you okay? Is everything okay?" I bombarded him with questions and he just smiles.

"Tutto bene, amore." he put his head back to the pillow but his eyes remain open. "Are you happy right now?" he asked out of nowhere, his voice was weak.

"Yes," I answered.

"Why?" another strange question.

"I've got you. What else can I ask?"

"Will you still be happy without me?" his voice was even weaker and it barely heard.

"What kind of question was that?" I raised my voice but carefully not to wake everyone. We've known each other for more than a year and it was the strangest question he asked me. "Of course it won't be the same without you."

"I cannot leave you in peace if you can't be happy without me." I look at him on the face and it terrified me. He was bleeding from his nose and his eyes were half shut. "Please promise me you'll be happy without me."

"No, Ignazio keep your eyes open and talk to me!" this time I shout to him. I can hear footsteps rushed closer.

"I can't," he said. "I'm too tired and my head is really hurt." His family has now gathered in the room. I can see his mom come closer and hold his hand, crying. None of us knows what to do

"Stay with me, Igna. Please, talk to me." The thought of losing him terrified me. I tell myself over and over again that this is just a dream. I'm not ready. Please, not tonight...

I can feel his grip weaken as I hold him tighter. "Okay, I promise..." I cried, "I promise and try to be happy without you."

"Good." I hear his whispers, "Mamma, Papa, Nina, I love you. Thank you for always believe in me. Remember good things about me, okay?." and then he took one last deep breath.

His face was very calm. He was leaving us with a smile in his face while we're crying for him.


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