Chapter Six- Sherlock Lives

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Reboot added: 2/3/14.

When the heart prompts, duty becomes a pleasure.

-          Timothy Shay Arthur

A/N- Reboot added. Contains parallels to/lines from S3. I’ve included one of my theories this time (I had a lot), because this one was actually right- canonically (the one Sherlock revealed to Anderson). Which was surprising. Very surprising. I hope I’ve put it into words well enough.

THE DAY OF my public return started as one would expect: far, far too loud. The screaming from outside was rapidly getting nosier and nosier. I groaned into John's chest, not wanting to have to wake him up to this.

I shook him gently. "We need to get up, love."

"God," his voice was muffled by the pillowcase. "Couldn't you be a bit quieter?"

"That's not me," I said through gritted teeth, glancing at the window.

He yawned, and sat up slowly, blinking hard.

"Oh, of course," John smiled tiredly. His voice was still slightly gritty from sleep. In a very good way, of course. "You're back."

"Mm," I agreed. "Yeah. That."

"You okay, Sherlock?"

"Yes, of course, I just..."


"You look..."


"Sexy," I said quietly at the same time.

"What?" his eyes flew open.

"Shhh," I put a finger over his lips. "They'll know we're here."

"SEXY?!" he spluttered again.

"I am aware that such a word exists, John, and it seems to apply to you. Now that you are awake- unfortunately- we have to get up," I stole a quick kiss and swung my legs out of bed.

By the time we'd both got changed, the cheering had increased to an almost painful noise level. I found John in the kitchen with a cup of coffee for each of us.

"Drink it quickly," he grimaced. "I had a peep out the window- there are blood hundreds of them. All with signs and cameras..."

"Mm," I sighed.

"Well you certainly seem excited," he said sarcastically.

"Oh yes. I am ecstatic," I replied, meaning it. "We're going on a date." John blushed into his coffee. "And I can take you grocery shopping."

"I can't wait," he laughed.

Meanwhile, the sound of cheering was only getting louder. My estimate was about a crowd of two hundred.

"Bloody hell," John cursed. "They're going to break the door down."

I checked my watch. "Well it's nine am, nail-bitingly freezing and the streets are covered in bitterly unpleasant frozen water. I didn't think they'd be this excited."

"You're back from the dead, brilliant and the world's only consulting detective. Of course they're excited."


He rolled his eyes. "Just don't get all cocky about it."

"I'm not getting cocky about it."

"You're smirking."

Beside You- A Johnlock Fanfiction (BBC Sherlock) *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now