Chapter Fourteen- Just the Two of Us Against the Rest of the World

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True courage is about knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one. 

-          J.R.R Tolkien, The Hobbit

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.

-          William Shakespeare

(Two quotes for two different parts of the chapter.)

A/N- Again, I’m improvising a bit here because I’ve never been inside a nightclub before. Well done if you managed to guess anything about the results of the crime. Enjoy! (Also, see if you can spot the multifandom reference!)


It took us a few minutes to get to the nightclub, still dressed in our ridiculous disguises. “Remember, we’re looking for a girl whose name begins with the letter ‘J’- she’ll be reluctant to be here,” I whispered to John as we entered. Though it was only passing nine o’clock, plenty of people were already starting to get drunk and getting too ‘wild’ on the dance floor, that it was actually concerning for their cardiac health.

Trying to blend in, we walked over to the bar casually and ordered a couple of shots, but we didn’t drink them properly, trying to remain sober for this case. Instead, when nobody was looking, I splashed some on John’s shirt.

“What the hell, Sherlock?”

“We need to smell the part, John.”

“Oh. Right,” he chucked his drink back at me and I narrowed my eyes at him briefly before we both laughed a bit. I was beginning to scan the room, before a cloud of alcoholic stench fogged up my sense of smell. A slurred, husky woman’s voice came from behind me.

“Care to dance, sweetheart?”

“Actually, no-” I began, but I was pulled onto the dancefloor by my arm. “Um, can you not…” The girl in question was in an incredibly short dress which was far too tight, and I glanced over at John mouthing “Help me” as she began to get too close for comfort. He seemed to look slightly irritated, but also amused. “What do I do?” he mouthed back, smirking. “Get over here!”


“Please, hurry up!”

John walked over quickly, stumbling slightly over somebody’s foot. A group of girls were now tugging at my shirt and I was beginning to feel extremely uncomfortable. As soon as John got over here, I said; “Oh, thank God.”

The girls looked at me confused, but kept doing their nightmare ritual dance around me anyway. “Follow my lead,” I mouthed to John. He nodded.

They were beginning to dance around him too now, so I pushed a couple aside lightly and said “Sorry, I’m gay,” before grabbing John’s waist dramatically and pulling him to my lips.

He started to kiss me back fiercely, tugging at my curls and moving his hands over my back enticingly. We continued to make out for about three minutes until we were sure all the girls had disappeared and found somebody else to bother. We broke apart, bodies still pressed close together and loud music pounding in our ears. I caught my breath and flickered my eyes around, slightly disappointed that it had had to end there.

Suddenly, I heard a large amount of protest coming from somewhere nearby.

“Jane, you have to dance!”

Beside You- A Johnlock Fanfiction (BBC Sherlock) *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now