Chapter Seven- Dinner and Deductions

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I would walk 500 miles,
And I would walk 500 more,
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles,
To fall down at your door


-          The Proclaimers, I Would Walk 500 Miles


Once I’d straightened up, there was a knock on our door downstairs. We certainly weren’t expecting anyone. I went to answer it, and I was slightly surprised.

There stood Sherlock wearing a brand new suit under his coat, his curls shimmering in the streetlights and he was carrying a bouquet of stunning red roses, that smile reserved just for me etched across his face. He looked gorgeous.

“Good evening, John.”

Sherlock looked me up and down, then gazed into my eyes. “You look amazing.” I couldn’t help but blush a bit. “So do you.”

“I know that, I spent the whole bloody afternoon making sure of it.”

“Sherlock, you didn’t have to do that for me. You’re perfect as you are.”

“Yet I wanted to do it for you, so I did.”

I cupped his face and kissed him lightly. After a few moments, he broke off. “Get your jacket, we have reservations.”

I dashed upstairs quickly, barely able to contain my excitement. I collected my coat and shoved it on, before running back to Sherlock who awaited me patiently. When I reached him, he grinned and handed me the roses.

“Thank you Sherlock, they’re lovely.” Sherlock nodded and offered me his arm. “Shall we?”

“We shall,” I said, and took it. Snow crunched under our feet as we walked through the glimmering streets, Sherlock pulling me along the way. He still refused to reveal where we were going first. I could tell we were getting closer, when he covered my eyes with his free hand.


“Ssshhh, John. Don’t ruin the surprise,” He chuckled. He eventually led me through a door into the warmth, then uncovered my eyes. It took me a moment to recognize the place, then I saw it as the first restaurant we had ever gone to dinner in together on our first case. When Sherlock had told me he was married to his work and made it rather clear that he didn’t do relationships. I couldn’t help at smiling at how much our situation had changed since then.

The man I recognized as Angelo greeted us. “Sherlock! John Watson! Good to see you again!” He shook hands with us vigorously. “It’s so good to have you back. London without Sherlock Holmes… how boring, as you would say. On the house tonight, anything you’d like!”

He led us to our seats. Sherlock took my coat and put it on the back of my chair, pulling it out of the table for me to sit down on. Angelo raised an eyebrow before asking “Do you want a candle for the table this time?” Sherlock moved his chair closer to mine and squeezed my hand. “Yes, that would be perfect, thank you.” Angelo smiled widely before walking off, muttering to himself “I knew it.”

The few people on other tables pointed and whispered, but they had more respect for us than to disturb our dinner.

Angelo arrived with a candle and menus. I couldn’t decide on a dish, so Sherlock picked one out for me that he thought I’d like. He was going to have the same, apparently. The friendly waiter also put the roses in a vase for us.

Angelo dashed off to the kitchen, leaving us alone. Sherlock pulled his chair right up next to mine, and put his arm around me. “Finally,” He mumbled, smiling lovingly at me.

Beside You- A Johnlock Fanfiction (BBC Sherlock) *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now