Chapter Nineteen- Ode to my Army Doctor

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I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is, now you’re in the world

-          Elton John, Your Song

A/N- The way this chapter flows is slightly different- I do skip forwards a little bit, hopefully not at an uncomfortably fast pace- let me know if it is unsuitable and I will change it, it’s just that I need to get along with the basic plot, so I can pass into the sequel. I’ll reveal its title and partial content soon in a little teaser, but for now, enjoy this! There are still a few chapters left, and obviously some loose ends to tie up. Thank you all for being so brilliant and encouraging, I never actually thought I’d get so far with anything like this!


I woke up as the sun started to light up the shady room. The TV was still blaring softly with the Doctor Who theme tune as it stayed stuck on the DVD menu, and Sherlock’s head rested in my lap, his hair splayed out all over it and his lips parted.

Molly and Lestrade still lay asleep on the other end of the sofa, and it appeared that Mycroft had abandoned us earlier that morning, as his seat was empty and I could see a note on the table in front of it.

I reached over to the table and grabbed the remote, trying to hit the button to turn Doctor Who off. I accidentally hit the ‘volume up’ button, and the sound erupted. Sherlock bolted up, and I fumbled with the remote in a panic until it finally switched off, before wrapping my arms around him reassuringly. “What on earth…” He whispered.

“Sorry, Sherly,” I smiled. He groaned at his recently acquired nickname.

I saw Molly rub her eyes and stretch in Greg’s lap, and sit up from her slouch.

“Morning guys,” she said. Sherlock nodded at her and grunted. I gave her a little wave and assisted her in shaking Greg awake.

When he woke up, he made a bit of a noise like ‘narfngl’ and blinked slowly, before scanning his surroundings to try and recall where he was and what had happened last night.

“What’s the time?” He yawned and I checked my watch.

“Er… Quarter to… Ei- Nine, sorry.”

“Shit! I need to be at the Yard in twenty minutes!” He cursed and he and Molly leapt up from the seat. Sherlock and I helped them gather their things, and then saw them off out the door after thanking them for a great day and them saying the same to us.

We both showered, changed and had breakfast before starting to progress in tidying up the apartment again. I picked up Mycroft’s note and read it to Sherlock.

Thank you both for an entertaining evening. I apologize for my slipping away so abruptly but there was business to attend to. 

Contact me when you wish to begin making plans for the wedding.


-          MH


After we’d finished cleaning, Sherlock and I decided to take a walk- it would be nice to get some fresh air after being inside all day. We strolled through the city, breath foggy in the air as we passed people on the run to work or early morning jogs.

When we reached the park, Sherlock pulled me down to sit next to him on a bench and I leant against him. We began to discuss the wedding- having two options of where to host the reception, we chose B which was in a large pavilion tent in a large field which rested on a cliff, overlooking the ocean. We’d seen the pictures briefly and it looked absolutely beautiful.

Beside You- A Johnlock Fanfiction (BBC Sherlock) *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now