Chapter Nine- Don't Deny the Call of the Homicide

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                   You’re only young once, but you can be immature forever.

-          Germaine Greer 

A/N- I have a feeling you guys are going to like this. Immaturity really is bliss, sometimes... 


I woke up in the morning to hear a knock on the door of our suite. It took me less than a second to register that it was the breakfast I had ordered in advance for us yesterday. I made the regrettable decision to crawl off my John, throw on a bath robe and open the door.

“Good morning, sir, I trust you slept well,” said the Butler, wheeling in the breakfast trolley.

“Er, yes, thank you,” I paid him.

“Would you like me to take this to your room?”

“No, that’s alright, I’ll take it,” I smiled.

“Very well. Have a nice day,” He nodded and left. I wheeled the trolley into the bedroom and lifted the dish covers above our plates. I had ordered John a traditional English breakfast and I had eggs benedict. (A/N *Wink wink*)

John sat up, rubbing his eyes. “Morning, Sherlock,” he said sleepily.

“Hello, John,” I grinned. “Breakfast is here.”

I pulled up two chairs on either side of the breakfast table. John put on one of the complimentary robes and sat opposite me. We started eating our breakfast.

“Mm, this is great,” John commented.

“We’re in The Ritz, what do you expect?” I smirked.

He laughed. When we’d finished the delicious food, he asked me; “What time do we have to check out?”

“One-thirty, I think.” 

“And it’s now…?” 

“Eight-twenty five. So plenty of time.”

“For what?”

“Whatever you want.” 


“Pervert,” I chuckled.

“Oh sod off, you started it,” I sniggered. 

“That I did.” 

“Well did you bring anything to do?” 


“Oh shut up.” 


“Right, I knew that wasn’t going to happen. But what shall we actually do?” 

“Well I bought a new game of Cluedo, so we could-”


“Relax, I was joking.” 

“Okay, well while you think about that, I’m going to take a shower.” 

“You do that.” 

He kissed me on the cheek quickly and ran to the bathroom. I sat in my usual thinking position and listened to the water run. Bored. 

“Hurry up, John!”

John’s slightly muffled reply came from the bathroom; “Sherlock I’ve been in here for one minute!”

Beside You- A Johnlock Fanfiction (BBC Sherlock) *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now