Chapter Twenty-Two- His Last Vow

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Time is very slow for those who wait 
Very fast for those who are scared 
very long for those who lament 
Very short for those who celebrate 
But for those who love time is eternal

-          William Shakespeare




The morning after, I woke up smiling, even though John had left earlier and wasn’t there- he would be soon. I leapt out of bed, and ran out of my room to knock on the door of Molly and Greg’s.

“For the love of God, wake up!” I shouted after I’d been knocking for about two minutes. I was answered shortly afterwards by Lestrade opening the door with a tired face and a bedhead, still wrapping the dressing gown around himself.

“Morning, Sherlock.”

“Finally!” I exclaimed. “Coffee?”

“Yes please,” he said, before calling back to Molly; “Want some, love?”

I heard a muffled; “Mm-hm, and then we’ll start getting Sherlock ready.” I smiled, and then hurried Greg to the kitchen.

“Yes, Sherlock, calm the fuck down, we’ve still got seven hours until the actual ceremony,” he laughed.

“Excuse you,” I rolled my eyes and started routing around the kitchen cupboards looking for the coffee.


“What? Oh,” I noticed he was holding it in his hands.

“Get yourself some breakfast, I’ll make the coffee,” he said, and I began to prepare some cereal, making sure Toby the cat was nowhere in sight. He wasn’t- thank goodness. I swear that animal was out to get me.

I wolfed down the cereal as quickly as possible and drunk the coffee speedily, burning my tongue a little bit.

“Okay, done, let’s get ready,” I exclaimed, getting up from my seat and rushing the bowl, cup and cutlery to the dishwasher.

“Hang on!” Lestrade sighed- he and Molly were still just waking up.


“Just go and shower or something, then throw something on- you can’t put your tux on just yet, it will get messed up.”

I groaned, and then made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and started to run the water, throwing my pyjamas to the floor and jumping in- then hearing a loud, irritated “meow”. I leapt out of the shower and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around my bare waist as quickly as possible. The cat started to corner me, sopping wet, so I opened the door and ran out.

What the hell, Sherlock?!” Lestrade exclaimed.

“Oh, shut up,” I waited for the cat to walk out before running back into the bathroom and slamming the door on it. “Ha-ha!”

Dropping the towel and climbing back into the shower, I made sure to get a good wash, lathing shampoo through my hair and then a bit of conditioner- then I realized it belonged to Molly and was woman’s hair product… Fuck.

I brushed my teeth afterwards, and pulled the towel back on, scampering to my room with the pyjamas under my arm. I threw on a pair of jeans (ugh) and a shirt, dried my hair and made my way back to the living room where Molly and Lestrade were sitting on the sofa still wearing their pyjamas.

Beside You- A Johnlock Fanfiction (BBC Sherlock) *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now