Another A/N- Sorry, but please read this!

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A/N- Okay, so I've had another idea for a NaNoWriMo entry, so I'll be working on that too, and I'd really appreciate it if you could check it out- it's multifandom, and I'll explain a bit of it to you here-

You know how there have always been jokes about how fangirling will one day get us all imprisoned/put in asylums and considered mentally unstable and dangerous?

That's happened. We've found the truth- the AUs exist. The characters are out there, they are canon, living, real, whatever you want to call it- and their worlds are close to colliding with ours- we need them.

But there are people out there who have found us. They want to prevent this, so they have put the rest of the world under the illusion, the reality plague. They all think that we are now insane. They will report us on sight if they know what we are, because if we open the gaps to the AUs, the plague will be eliminated.

We're being heavily monitored- you think this is a joke? This isn't. I am one of the five. I must keep writing, no matter what, because though I am imprisoned, they cannot 'sterilize' me. I'm too strong for them, and the fate of our world lies in the hands of the AUs. The fate of the AUs lie in the hands of us, the resistance.

Soon, if all goes to plan, I will have escaped with the rest of the five and will manage to open the first gap. Then the next. And that's when we'll have to fight the disease that has loomed over us for centuries- reality.

They are reality. We are the cure. This is the battlefield.

Run, and await further instruction, but do not trust anyone else. If they find you, don't tell them who I am. You haven't been plagued yet, the cure still runs through your heart and your head, so you can still imagine. You can still lie.

Good luck. You'll need it.

I give you- Nemesis of the Night Bloggers.

~ SherlockedDoors (Who apologizes for being so bad at descriptions, please just check it out and I'll love you forever!)

Beside You- A Johnlock Fanfiction (BBC Sherlock) *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now