Chapter Thirteen- Solutions

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A box without hinge, key, or lid, yet inside golden treasure is hid.

-          J.R.R Tolkien, The Hobbit

With the little black box tucked away in my new bag, I parted with Greg and Molly and went to find John. I saw him sitting on some red sofas, outside a now packed T.G.I Friday’s, facing away from me, looking out of the window. Rushing up to him (and pulling those ruddy jeans up along the way), I tapped him on the shoulder. “Hello, love.” He turned around. “Where did you go?” Luckily, I had this covered- I showed him a Boots bag which contained some more essential things for our stay. He sifted through the contents briefly, before tapping at the seat so I could sit beside him.

“Sherlock, what’s on your mind?” He asked. “You’ve been pretty distant recently… Is it something I’ve done?” He looked at me with sad, curious eyes. I was extremely taken aback by the last question.

I put my hands on his shoulders. “Please don’t say that, John. You couldn’t do anything that would ever cause me to…” I was hurt that he thought this, not by him but by the fact that I’d made him believe this.

Shaking slightly again, I pulled him into an embrace and rested my chin on top of his head, which he buried into my head. I didn’t care if people saw us or what they thought. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, Sherlock, I was stupid to-”

“You weren’t, it’s my fault, I-”

“Shut up, Sherlock, it isn’t. I’ve just been finding it hard to get to A to B with this lately and- what is it?” He stopped as he saw my eyes widen.

Yes. YES.

A to B. A to B. A TO B. Alphabetical order.

“JOHN, YOU BLOODY GENIUS!” I cried, and kissed him enthusiastically on the lips. How could I have not realized it before when we were looking at google and the girls’ names? It all added up now…

“What is it, Sherlock? What have I done that’s so bloody brilliant?!”

“John, we’ve just as good as caught our killer, thanks to you!”

He still looked confused, so I pulled a notepad and a pen out of my bag.

A-    Amy, GLAM Nightclub

B-    Bailey, Tiger Tiger

C-    Caitlin, Clwb Ifor Bach

D-    Daniella, Revolution Bar

E-     Ella, Soda Bar

F-     Fiona, Oceana

G-    Gabrielle, 441 Bar and Nightclub

H-    Hayley, Bogiez Rock Club

The first letters of the names of the victims match up with the map alphabetical label order of the Night Clubs listed on the first page of ‘Cardiff Nightclubs’ on Google maps.

John read my untidy notes, and his jaw dropped. “Bloody hell,” he muttered.

“You think they’d make it a bit harder for me,” I rolled my eyes and we both laughed. “Well, John, I think we already know what our plans are for this evening.”

“I think we do.”

I searched the map again briefly, then sent a brief text to Lestrade, which simply said- 9- J- The Live Lounge. Google Maps. Keep me updated. – SH

Beside You- A Johnlock Fanfiction (BBC Sherlock) *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now